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I think, for the first time in my life, I truly cared for someone. And that person, who managed to put himself in my heart, is hurting because of his parents' divorce. I want to help him, like he did to me. I want to hug him, like he did to me when I was drowning in my tears at school. I want to love him, and I don't want it to be one-sided. I don't want to fail him. For the first time, I fell in love instead of falling apart, and I hope it lasts in every universe.

I decided to visit Aaron today. I have never been to someone else's house and I have no idea what it is like to be in a house since I grew up in an orphanage. Maybe I had a house before my parents died, but I don't remember.

I asked Roxanna, but she didn't tell me. I am sure something is going on between them and they are not telling me- which is getting on my nerves- but I try to ignore it.

October 25.

I walk into the cafeteria until I notice Atlas, Aaron's best friend, sitting with Alex and two other boys. I walk up to them. I tap on Atlas' shoulder.

He turns around in confusion, and then he sees me. I can't read his expression anymore.

"Nyla? What do you need?" I read his lips.

I open my mouth, knowing no words will come out. I look around. I take out a piece of paper from my pocket. I search for a pencil, but I don't have any.

"Wait. I got one." He says, giving me a pencil.

I write down:


He takes the piece of paper from my hands and he reads it. His eyes lock with mine and he shakes his head. I sigh and look down. Then I lift my head and look at him again, making eye contact with Atlas Diaz. I take the piece of paper from him and I write down again:


He takes it from me again and reads it. I hand him the pencil and he writes Aaron's address. He gives it back to me, I nod at him and walk away.

I have his house address, Now I can find him.


Today is October 26.

Aaron stays in the northern part of our town.

I stand in front of his apartment's door. I don't know If I should knock or not, my brain tells me not to knock, but my heart says otherwise. I put my hand on the door and knock. I wait a few seconds until a woman opens the door.

A very beautiful woman.

I stare at her in shock; Shocked by how beautiful she is. I am amazed. She has Aaron's brown eyes and her curly hair is dyed. Her upper lips are full, she has a soft jawline as I notice, and she has straight eyebrows just like Aaron. Her nose is upturned.

"How can I help you, young lady?" She asks nicely as I read her lips.

Unfortunately, I can't speak. I peek inside the house and I see Aaron sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

"Hello? Miss, what do you need?" She continues but gets no response. As she was about to slam the door in my face, I put my hand on it and stop her from doing so.

"Miss, what are you doing?" She says. Her loud voice draws Aaron's attention to her. Aaron looks up and he sees me.

"Mom! Wait, she is my friend. You know... the one..."

"Oh, she is the deaf girl?"

"Yes, mum. Can you let her come in?"

"Yes, yes of course, sweetheart," she turns to me, her eyes shining and her lips curling into a smile. "Come in, dear, I heard a lot about you."

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