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Do you remember me now?

Do you remember me now?

Do you remember me now?

I can't get it out from my head. It's all I think of. But it's not possible. I don't remember anything. A memory can't just come and pop out like that, right?

Maya can't be my sister. Mother Giselle always told me I was an only child. 

But does it matter now? Maya can't be living inside my head. Her soul can't be inside my body. It's not possible. There is no way. It just... doesn't sound real. How am I going to tell Aaron? He won't believe me. He will think I'm insane. Maybe I am? 

Maybe I've been insane since I was 3. Maybe I just wanted to live a normal life like every other human so I ignored the signs.

Maybe I'm not human. Maybe I never was. But...

But why? Why me? Is this a curse or a gift? Is going crazy after experiencing so many traumatic events and learning that there is another soul living inside your body a gift? Maya hasn't been talking to me since that. But why would Mother Giselle lie about Maya's story? Or why my parents tried to make it seem like Maya never existed? Why would they hide my sister from me? How was she murdered? Why was she murdered? 

Why am I seeing them now? 

Am I daydreaming? 

I have so many questions. I want the answers to them. But how am I going to find them? My parents and my sister died 16 years ago. Every single evidence of my sister's death was destroyed. I'm sure my parents hid my sister's death because I was just a toddler when she died. But why wouldn't they want me to learn it when I became older? Did they think it would destroy me and leave me in a vulnerable state? Did they want me to be strong?

If they wanted me to be strong, why wouldn't they just ask God to make my life easier?

My mind- I always thought I was weird. I thought my mind was a complicated thing that would remain unsolved.

I am weird. 

This is not normal.

I am not normal.

I will never be normal.

And this thing as much as it's destroying me it might destroy Aaron too.

I'm hopeless. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get out of this situation. It's so confusing.


I feel a hand stroking my hair as I slowly open my eyes. My vision is blurry at first, but as seconds pass, it gets clearer.

"Nyla?" I read his lips.

I finally see his brown hair and eyes. I understood him from his touch either way. I am familiar with his skin. I understand when it's him or not. His touch just has something unique. It's always warm and soft. 

Or maybe I just know his touch.

"Nyla, love?"

Aaron keeps looking at me as I stare at his eyes. He holds my hand and rubs it with his thumb as he strokes my hair with his other hand.

Mina crosses her arms and she just stares at us. 

Aaron and Mina both turn to the door, which just opened. A nurse walked in. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She has a dimple on her left cheek and her eyebrows are straight. Her hair is curly and short.  She seems short and quite skinny, but in a healthy way.

"Hello, Nyla. How are you feeling?" she asks.

Aaron quickly translates it to me in sign language.

I say I'm fine, physically. Mentally, I don't know where I am.

"She said she is fine."

"That's great. Would you mind if I made a blood test?"

I shake my head.

"Okay, good. It will be quick, don't worry." she says. She holds a needle and inserts it into my arm. She does it quickly. When she finishes, she puts a bandage on my arm and leaves the room.

"That was weird." Mina says.


"She just did the blood test and left the room pretty quickly. They usually inform you about some things and then they leave.

"Just ignore it. At least Nyla is okay and alive."

"Yeah, that's right. But we should give her time to rest. She has gone through a lot and she must be very confused right now."

"Yeah, okay," Aaron turns to me and asks, "Do you want us to leave?"

Yes, I want you to leave but I also want you to stay. I want to tell you what my mind is going through but I also don't. I want to get it off my chest and I want you to understand it and take it in calmly. I want you to tell me that this is just a nightmare and it's going to be fine, everything is going to be fine. I want you to tell me that I'm not crazy and you still love me, and that you will be here for me. You will never leave me.

I see Aaron saying something to Mina and then she leaves the room. It's just me and him.

"How are you?" He asks.

I don't answer. I just look away from him.

"Nyla? Look at me, please." He squeezes my hand. 

I do what he says. He continues speaking, "How are you feeling?" he asks.


"Liar. Tell me the truth."

"I'm good."

"No, you're not."

"I am, I swear."


"What?" I pause. There is silence and it's just me and him looking at each other.

"Love, what's wrong?"

"It's complicated. I don't want to say it."

"I can tell. But you should talk to me in order to relax."

"It's just those, I don't know what to call them. I feel weird. And like, I'm talking to someone. She is living in my mind."

"What the hell?"

"I must seem crazy right now, but I swear I'm not making this up."

"I don't know what to believe. But I think I believe you. Who is that?"

"My sister."


He looks at me.

I look at him.

He looks at me again.

I look at him again.

"You have a sister?"

"I didn't know. It's just my memories are coming back. It just- oh my god."

"Hey... hey, calm down. Don't rush. We have time. You can tell me tomorrow too. I'll be here."

"What if you don't?"

"Nyla, you know I love you. I love you all ways and always."

I love you to the stars too, Aaron.

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