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We've been searching for Hazel for a few days now and we still couldn't find her. The possibility of her being dead is taking over my mind and it scares me. Aaron has been distracting himself in a way I could never. I feel vulnerable in this position while he is being strong and he is in more pain than me. 

We searched every single street we could but still got no results. I'm so scared. I don't want her to be dead. 

From time to time we visit Aaron's mother's grave. He finds peace in it and I'm grateful that he is feeling just a little bit better. 

Today is Friday, January 13. 

I put my books in my backpack and get ready for school. It's a bit rainy today. I grab my umbrella and put on my shoes then I leave for school. 

On my way to school, I get wet because of the rain. I'm running as fast as possible so I can reach the bus. I even forgot my phone on my desk. Who says I can't survive the day without it?

Kids in our days have been addicted to their phones. A small screen in their hands distracts them and blinds them. They think they can't survive without it. 

You can survive without a phone, but can you survive without the nature? The trees, the lakes and the seas, the birds singing songs to you and the sea animals entertaining you?

Our world will never be the same.


I arrive to school a bit later than usual but I don't think that's a problem because the bell hasn't rung yet. I quickly go to my locker as I'm soaking wet, hoping my clothes will dry off. I open the zipper of my backpack and notice that almost all of my books are wet.

I sigh and i take them out and put them in my locker. I'm planning on telling the teacher that my books are wet and can't be used or I'll just make up an excuse.

First period, Music.

It's been a while since I've seen Ms. Graver. I've been skipping classes for myself and Aaron. I walk inside the classroom and take a seat. The rest of the class is not here yet except Faye and Alex and I know I'm in trouble. I'm preparing myself for whatever's going to happen now.

I look at Faye and I notice she hasn't noticed my presence yet. She is looking out of the window. Her hand is pushing her cheekbone as she is looking out of the window. She looks unmotivated to bully me today. 

"Faye." Alex says and he shows me with his eyes.

"What?" Faye responds and then she looks at me. She smirks, turns back to Alex and nods. "Hey, Nyla."

Be calm be calm stay calm.

I look at her. 

"I heard what happened with Roxanna. How dare you?"


"Come to the gym after school. We have a surprise for you, alright?" Faye says as she smiles.

"Why would I?"

"Oh come on! You will ruin everything."

"I know what you are going to do."

"It's not important."

"Then I don't have to come."

"You are so annoying, you know that right? That's fine your parents are dead, Roxanna and left you and even your cat. I bet Aaron will leave you soon."

I clench my fists. I'm so close in punching that nose of hers.

"Oh look who is mad!" She laughs with Alex but quickly stops as other students start walking in. She fixes her hair and continues looking out of the window.

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