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I wake up in the same street I fainted at. I feel weird as I sit up. I realise that it's still night and I'm still barefoot and in my pyjamas. I hold my head like it's too heavy for me to carry.

I rub my eyes and I slowly get up. When I stand up, I feel like I can't keep my balance so I fall down again. 

"What's happening to me?" I think. 

I remember I had gone out to look for Hazel but-


I quickly snap out and get up. I still feel dizzy but Hazel needs help. 

More than me.

I start walking in the streets again. I look around but it's too dark to see anything. Eventually I see a small shop, which is open, and I walk in. When I push the door, the woman in the registers quickly turns around and stares at me.

I freeze. I stare at her too.

"Who are you?"

I don't answer. I can't.

"Answer me, young lady!" She says.

I don't answer and I quickly walk out of the shop.

I have no idea where am I. I just keep walking when I notice I have arrived to the city centre. 

Now I know how to go back to the orphanage.

I will go back and call Aaron. I will inform him. I need him the most right now.

I walk slowly and I'm careful with my steps. 

Eventually I make it to the orphanage. The doors are locked so I climb up to my room from the back of the building. I jump inside and land on my bed. I take a deep breath and walk to the bathroom. I grab a first-aid kit and sit on the bed. I take out some bandages and use them for my feet since I've been walking while being barefoot for a long time.

When I finish, I put on my socks and I just sit there, thinking. 

I grab my phone and check the time.

It's 2 a.m.

It's very late.

But how can I sleep while Hazel is out there in danger?


I stay up the whole night.


When the sun rises and it makes my room brighter, I get up and walk over my desk. I grab my phone and look at my contacts for Aaron.

I call him once... twice... but he doesn't answer.

I keep calling him. I need him so much right now.

I finally give up and throw my phone on the bed.

If Hazel was here, I would pick her up and pet her all day while lying on the bed with her in my arms.

I can't help but start crying again. 

I lie on my bed and curl up like a ball, hugging my rabbit plush. 

I don't care if I'm 19. I will always hug my rabbit plush for comfort. 

I cry and cry as I hug it so tightly. I want to hurt myself. I want to hurt someone but I know I don't have the heart to touch another human being and hurt them. 

I just want to punch my heart until it stops aching. I feel my body shivering but from the inside. My heart hurts and I hate it.

I really don't know what I did wrong. 

The Cat OrphanageWhere stories live. Discover now