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When you can't sleep, what do you do? Just fret and worry, toss and strew? That is a foolish thing to do! It only makes blue things more blue.

Why don't you lie down and relax? Forget about your income tax. Then jump abroad your memory ship, and, back to childhood, take a trip. Play once again the games you played, That causes fret and fume to fade. 

The swimming hole, the rippling brook, the funny story, cowboy book. The fun you had, while just being a boy, will prove that life has a lot of joy. Go tramp the fields and woods again, get lost once more in drenching rain. 

Remember, when the bus chased you, the fence you had to struggle through. Or think of dolls that made you glad, and how you loved your neighbour's lad. Go back to school or Sunday school, the pranks you played: The Golden Rule. 

Repeat the prayers your mother said, each night when you were tucked in bed. Then, if you take my advice, you'll find that life is pretty nice. Perhaps, you'll laugh, perhaps you'll weep, then, in sheer gladness, go to sleep.

I can't stop thinking about the nightmare I had, I wonder if I failed with life. I sit in my room as I consider my actions. I wonder if my parents are right; If I am a disappointment and a failure. I can't help but believe them. Because I think, if I was good enough, people wouldn't hate me. My only friend wouldn't be a cat and I wouldn't be living only with the love of my life. 

I didn't turn on the lights of my room so as the sky gets darker, my room does too. I am lost in my thoughts and my parents' words.

I wonder what people think of me. Am I annoying? Am I childish? Am I rude? Am I dumb? Am I ugly?

I stare out of the window, watching the moon shine along with the stars. Out of nowhere, I feel a paw on my thigh. 

I snap out of my thoughts and I look down. My left cheek is resting in my palm. I sit up properly and take Hazel in my arms. 

I keep her close to my chest as I pet her and play with her paws. 

I notice she has become skinnier and her nails are longer.

I forgot about her.

I give her a kiss on the head and I get up. I walk inside the bathroom and grab a towel along with Hazel's special bag which has her stuff inside. 

 I keep her in my arms as I sit down and place her on my lap. Her hair sticks to my pants as she sits on my lap. I grab the bag and open it. I take out some scissors. I grab her paws one by one and cut her nails. 

I search inside the bag after I finish.

I haven't bought a brush for her. 

So instead, I take mine and I brush her hair.

She meows as I do it.

Oh, only if she knew I can't hear her...

I finish then I go and wash the brush because it has her hair and I know I will use it later.

I go towards my drawers next to my desk and open it. I take her pink catsuit. I hold it tightly in my hand and I walk towards Hazel. I put on her suit. She looks amazing.

Before we go out for a walk, I tie a cat collar around her neck so she won't run away. She raises her head and lets me pet her. Then I grab my coat and I put it on.

I stick my keys inside my pocket and I open the door.  Hazel walks out and I follow her, closing the door behind me.


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