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I wake up the next day a bit early. It's around 6 a.m. when I open my eyes. I look at my side and see Aaron sleeping on the floor. It's still dark outside so I sit up on the bed and turn on the night lamp. I squeeze my eyes shut when I turn it on but then I get used to the bright light. I push the blanket off my body and I get up slowly. I hold the blanket and throw it on Aaron. I can't lift him and carry him to bed so I just throw it on him. I walk towards the bathroom and turn on the lights. I wash my face and brush my hair.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump away.

Aaron looks at me, surprised, "I didn't mean to scary you, Nyla."

I bite my fingertip and sigh, "It's okay. I was brushing my hair. It was unexpected. Why did you wake up?"

"Because of the blanket. It felt warm."

"Oh right."

"Anyway. I have to go home, Nyla. I need to clean my room and check on my mom."

"But it's early. Can't you go after 8?"

"My mom needs me, Nyla. But I'll come back as soon as possible."


"I promise." He says as he holds my cheeks and gives me a kiss on the forehead.


Today is December 29.

Im lying on my bed as I think of nothing. I don't know what to do.

I roll on my side but then my eyes lock with Hazel's empty bed. I close my eyes in order not to cry. I pull my knees on my chest. I breathe heavily, trying to calm down.

For the first time I miss someone so much.

Hazel was my everything.


Hazel is my everything.

She is alive. I know it. I feel it.

I take a deep breath and I quickly sit up on the bed. I rest my hands on my thighs and I grab my phone. I text Aaron.

Aaron? Read at 3:07p.m.

What's up?

Can you come over, please? Read at 3:08p.m.

I can't. My mom is sick. I'll see you at school though, okay? I love you.

I turn off my phone. I need him so much. I just need to hug someone. I need to be with someone.


The next day, at school, I feel so unmotivated. I don't want to be here. I'm trying to keep my head down as much as possible so Faye and her friends won't notice me. 

Sometimes I look up, though. I search for Aaron in the crowd. 

I feel so alone. 

Then, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around. My face goes pale.

"Hey, Nyla." says Roxanna.

I just blink and stare at her.

"Right, you are deaf," she whispers to herself, "Can we talk?"

"I can't talk." I say in sign language.

"Haha, so funny." She rolls her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you broke up with Aaron."


"Why? You don't want to be friends with me? Oh, come on, Nyla. He bullied you."

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