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Echoes on a forest path, birds calling out your name. Nothing really changes, yet, nothing is the same. Is this a rip in the pattern, or was this the plan, whatever the case, we lost a great heart. The best ones always go too soon and it is rare to find someone so gentle and smart, patient, and kind. Can you still hear her, she is out here with the birds, listen very closely, they don't speak the words. I need another eight years, to say goodbye, but it's true after death, love will fly.

January 27, 2025

Today is the day when I'm moving in with Aaron. In 2026 I would have to leave the orphanage anyway. It's good for me. 

Aaron is helping me carry my things to his house. He gives me the guest room to me. I decorate it just like my old room. 

It feels weird to move out from somewhere you've lived your whole life. You get used to it so much that new places feel very different. 

I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My hands are resting on my stomach. I stare blankly at the ceiling. It feels so weird. When I finish thinking, I get up and go downstairs. Aaron said he would cook for us tonight, so I guess he might be in the kitchen. 

I go to the kitchen and I see Aaron trying to cut onions but he is tearing up instead. 

"Oh, hey." He smiles as he sees me approaching him. He wipes his tears with his wrist.

"Why are you crying?"



"Yeah. Don't you pay attention at school?"

"No, I don't."

"That's fine. Why don't you go to the living room and rest while I make food?"

"No, I'm bored."

"My love is bored?"

"You will make me blush."

"Oh come on, I'm tired of seeing you upset all the time. I want to make you happy." He gives me one of his sweetest smiles and approaches me. He strokes my hair and kisses me on the forehead. When we make eye contact for a few minutes, he wraps his arms around me, picks me up and puts me on the kitchen counter so I can be next to him and accompany him while he is cooking.

"Do you want to watch a movie tonight?" He asks me.

"No, I don't."

"Why not?" He seems surprised.

"I don't know."

"Okay, that's fine-" he turns his head towards the door. The bell must have rung. He wipes his hands on his shirt and puts the knife on the counter then goes to the door. I follow him. He opens the door.

A short, old woman with a hijab on her head is standing on the door. She is wearing white glasses. She has big, brown eyes and her lips are thin. From her skin I can tell she is around her middle 60s. 

"Oh, Aaron, my dear. Can I ask something from you?" Her voice shakes. She looks hurt, in pain.

"Yes, of course, Ms. Maliha. How can I help you?" Aaron replies.

"Oh, Aaron. I'm so sorry for bothering you. Look, I was- I don't have any electricity at home. I was trying to check the wires but I fell and hurt my back," she tears up "Can you come over and help me, please?"

My heart melts. She is crying, and she fell. She hurt herself while trying to help herself. Does she have anyone?

"Of course, Ms. Maliha. Why don't you come in while I go and check it?" Aaron asks, kindly.

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