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Wonwoo wears full formal clothes and wears a face mask to cover half of his face so as not to be exposed by strangers

He reached for his car keys and got out and drove his car somewhere. Finally he reached the place he wanted to go

His steps were seen to be in a hurry when he wanted to enter the building

As a result of being in a state of hurry, his shoulder collided with someone. But he didn't pay too much attention to the person he hit so he continued to step forward

"Excuse me?" The offended person reprimanded him politely

"Yes?" Wonwoo turned to the man he bumped into

"Have we met anywhere before?" The man asked when he saw Wonwoo's eyes that were quite familiar to him

"Nah?" Wonwoo's eyes scanned the man from top to bottom. Wearing a white labcoat with round glasses

"He must be a doctor here too" Wonwoo whispered in his heart

"Have we known each other before?" He repeated his seemingly identical question to Wonwoo

Wonwoo saw the name tag on the man's coat 'Seungcheol'. A name that he said was very unfamiliar to him. He looked at the man named Seungcheol with a strange look

"I don't think so?" Wonwoo walked away quickly ignoring the man in front of him

"Hey! Wait a minute" called Seungcheol quite loudly

"One more time?" Wonwoo said with an annoyed tone of voice. When he wants to hurry, all the problems come to him

This time Wonwoo lowered his head so that no one could see his eyes

"How many doctors do I want to hit!" He said it slowly so that the person he violated this time would not hear

"Him?..." he asked
Wonwoo tried his best to avoid being recognized by the man

"You.." said Mingyu, the man who was hit by Wonwoo

Wonwoo's feet stopped when he heard Mingyu calling him. Only the back of his body could be seen by Mingyu

Mingyu tried to chase after the man who looked like his ex-lover

Mingyu stopped on the stairs panting as the shadow of the man who looked like his ex-lover faded from sight.

"Is that Wonwoo or am I the wrong person?" He's question to himself

Beautiful memories with his ex-lover suddenly played in his mind after meeting someone who looked like his lover

Mingyu tried to catch his breath after persistently running after the man

"Good morning, Mingyu sunbae"
"Good morning, Dr. Mingyu"
The juniors started to greet Mingyu when they bumped into Mingyu on the stairs

"G-good morning" Mingyu pretended to straighten his clothes

"But..." Mingyu thought back to the man he bumped into earlier

The man's face reminded him of the face of his ex-lover, Wonwoo. This made him believe that maybe Wonwoo had returned here again

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