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Wonwoo wears a t-shirt inside and then wears a black jacket and closed shoes. He walked out to the pharmacy near his house

His eyes searched for the location of the item he wanted to buy

"Is there any painkillers here?" He asked at the payment counter

"Mr. May I know what's wrong with you?" Ask the worker

"Just find me any kind of pain medicine! Why are bothering to ask me a lot?!" Wonwoo replied rudely

"You are sick?" A man came and was next to her

He turned to the man
"You again?" He said when he saw Mingyu who was next to him

"Hold on" Mingyu said to the worker and pulled Wonwoo out of the pharmacy

"What do you want?" Wonwoo stopped his steps

"You are sick?" Mingyu touched Wonwoo's forehead and cheek to check his temperature

"Don't touch me!" Wonwoo said while brushing Mingyu's hand away

"Your face looks sick" Mingyu looked into Wonwoo's eyes with a caring look

"Even if I'm sick, what does that have to do with you! Don't bother me, I want to buy medicine and then go back to home"

"Don't be so stubborn.. I'll go in and buy a painkillers and then I'll send you back"

"Who are you to me? Why do you have to interfere in my affairs!" Wonwoo is showing more stubbornness because for him, he can't have anything to do with Mingyu

Mingyu is a bit disappointed by the words that came out of Wonwoo's mouth.. it feels like 9 years ago when Wonwoo said that he doesn't love Mingyu anymore

"wait for me here. I'll go in to a medicine to you first" Mingyu still spoke politely to Wonwoo

Mingyu comes out to slap Wonwoo after he buys Wonwoo painkillers. Wonwoo took the medicine plastic that was in Mingyu's hand and walked away ignoring Mingyu who was following him

6 minutes later...

"I've arrived.. you can go back" said Wonwoo in a low voice. His whole face was pale and it looked like he was suffering from pain

"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked

"I-I'm ok-"
Suddenly Wonwoo fainted in front of Mingyu. He greeted Wonwoo's body which was about to fall down. He led the unconscious Wonwoo to the door

The door of Wonwoo's house was locked so Mingyu only used his logical mind to open the door

Mingyu stood for a long time in front of the door to think of what keyword Wonwoo might use

Wonwoo's door opened

"He still remembers that date?" Mingyu said while looking at Wonwoo's face leaning on his shoulder

He opened the door and brought Wonwoo inside. He put Wonwoo on the sofa in the living room of the house

Mingyu took off the jacket and shoes that Wonwoo was wearing

"What? He's hurt?" Mingyu's eyes widened. He found a wound on Wonwoo's stomach. Like a wound found when hit by a gunshot

Mingyu took off Wonwoo's shirt to clean the still bleeding wound

"What did he do until he get injured like this?" Mingyu asked while shaking his head

When he looked at Wonwoo who was in front of him now, he felt a bit strange and unfamiliar with Wonwoo's new self. But, Mingyu doesn't suspect anything about Wonwoo because for him, he and Wonwoo haven't met for over 9 years. So it is natural if there is a change for someone

Mingyu took a container from the kitchen and filled it with water. He applied the medicine around the wound after cleaning up the blood. Once done, he bandaged the wound with a bandage

"Ah.." Wonwoo moaned in pain as soon as he woke up

"Don't get up again. Your wound still hurts" said Mingyu when he saw Wonwoo trying to get up

"How did you get into my house?"

"Your house door password... Date when we first met..." Mingyu explained

"Huh? Yes- Jeon Jungwoo.. why did you put a password like that" Wonwoo regretted in his heart

"I-I" Wonwoo was confused.. he didn't know what he wanted to reply

"It's okay.. I understand" Mingyu smiled shyly

Mingyu got up and sat next to Wonwoo who was lying on the sofa. He touched Wonwoo's cheek while looking at him with an unreadable look

"Yes- Kim Mingyu! Don't touch me!" Wonwoo pushed away Mingyu's hand that was on his cheek

"A-ahh" Wonwoo held his stomach as he groaned in pain

"I told you not to move. Your wound will get worse later"

"W-you the one who bandaged my wound?" Wonwoo asked as he looked at his injured stomach

"Mmm" Mingyu nodded his head as he smiled at Wonwoo

"Gwumayo.. Mingyu-yah" Wonwoo's lips etched a slight smile

"It's okay.. because I'm also a doctor, so it's my job to do all this"

"Mmm" Wonwoo just nodded his head. He was relieved to hear an excuse from Mingyu

The atmosphere turned into silence when the two of them had no topic to talk about. Wonwoo just closed his eyes to reduce the awkwardness while Mingyu stared at Wonwoo who was resting

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