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Wonwoo touched the cut on Mingyu's forehead to stop him from kissing Wonwoo. Mingyu screamed in pain and pulled his lips away from Wonwoo's mouth

"Why did you touch my wound?" Mingyu asked

"You're the one... Why are you kissing me? Are you crazy? your attitude..."

"But you just returned my kiss without rejecting it" said Mingyu with a slight smile on his lips


"It's okay, I understand how you feel"

"This bracelet, how long have you been wearing it?" Wonwoo asked while holding Mingyu's wrist

"This bracelet? Of course. You gave it to me when we were teenagers" replied Mingyu

"So.. you're that boy?"

"Yes, I've known you since the first time we met 10 years ago. You're the only one who doesn't know me"

Suddenly, Wonwoo hugged Mingyu tightly. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked happy

"Finally I found you" Wonwoo held both of Mingyu's cheeks and hugged him again

Wonwoo's action made Mingyu surprised because during the time he met Wonwoo again, Wonwoo had never been this open to him

"You talk like you've been waiting for me all this time?" Mingyu put his arm around Wonwoo's shoulder while looking at him with a seductive look

"I'm not waiting, I'm just happy because I can see you again. But, we still can't be together" insisted Wonwoo who still stood his ground

"Why? You don't have the same feelings as me?"

"Our world is very different now. You're a doctor, I'm just someone who can die at any moment"

"But I still want to be with you!"

"Look, Mingyu... What happened to us yesterday? It's just a little bit, you can't enter in my world. I want you to live in peace and calm without any threat of danger"

"So you rejected my feelings subtly?"

"Mingyu, go back to your normal life. Don't look for me after this, arraso? The two of us can't possibly be together"

"No.. it's not possible. I won't leave your life, Wonwoo. The further you avoid me, the closer I come back to you. I'll make sure you'll always be mine" Mingyu brought his face closer to Wonwoo and both foreheads they both touch. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo's lips then his thumb stroked Wonwoo's lips slowly


Mr. Wonwoo! Mr. Wonwoo! Mr. Wonwoo!

They both heard someone calling Wonwoo's name. This shows that help from Wonwoo's people has arrived

"I'm here!" Wonwoo shouted for the people to hear

"Finally I can get out of this hot place"

The people found Wonwoo and took him and Mingyu out of the forest and to the hospital for immediate treatment

"Help him first. His injuries are worse than mine" Wonwoo instructed his subordinates

Wonwoo and Mingyu were treated at the same time as they were both placed in the same room at Wonwoo's request


Seungcheol and Hoshi came to the Hospital at the same time as usual. But, Myungho told them that Mingyu couldn't guide them today because he had to be treated for a few days in the hospital

"Hoshi..." Seungcheol looked at Hoshi and gave him a wink

"Yes, yes.. I understand what you mean, where? Just the two of us?" Hoshi asked, raising one eyebrow

"In the usual place. Invite Chan, Joshua and everyone else" Seungcheol and Hoshi high five together

The place they want to go is the club where they always gather to enjoy their free time


Myungho entered the VIP room on the top floor which is the room that treated Jungwoo for almost many years. He is the doctor assigned to take care of and monitor Jungwoo's daily health. Privacy in the room is very strict so, Myungho is forbidden by Wonwoo to not tell everything he saw in the room to outsiders who have never had anything to do with him

Like every other day, he came to see if Jungwoo was getting better or not

Myungho opened Jungwoo's eyes one by one to check his level of consciousness

"His condition is getting worse" he pulled a chair next to the patient's bed and sat close to Jungwoo

"This plan is getting out of control if you don't wake up, Jungwoo" Myungho held Jungwoo's hand

"Does he have to sacrifice like this" someone came in as he opened his facemask. He approached Myungho slowly so as not to be noticed by outsiders

"I don't know, look at his condition now. He's lying down like a dead person" replied Myungho while looking at him

"Wonwoo.. he already met Mingyu right?"

"Yes, it is. Everything is as planned by Jungwoo. But..."


"That other friend of ours... It seems that Wonwoo's friend showed interest in him"

"Really? Huh" Myungho squeezed his forehead while shaking his head. Dizziness wants to think about more problems

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