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Seungcheol looked at Hoshi from the moment he arrived at the hospital. His eyes didn't move at all. His heart felt betrayed by Hoshi's actions yesterday

"W-why were you looking at me" Hoshi said while pretending to be busy

"Why did you leave me there alone last night?"

"I-I... That guy told me to leave. He whispered to me that he had business to talk to you" explained Hoshi

"You know? Because of your actions, I went through a difficult time there"

"I was too scared last night. I'm sorry, Seungcheol-ie" Hoshi held Seungcheol's hand to get forgiveness from his friend

"Mmm" Seungcheol nodded his head
"But you have to take me to eat at the cafe first, and you pay"

"Okay.. kamsahaeee chinggu-yaa" Hoshi hugged Seungcheol happily. He knew Seungcheol was not a vindictive person


After finishing his work, Seungcheol went home because he was too tired. He stopped for a while at the Hospital cafe to buy a drink to quench his thirst

"Ice Americano 2" the man next to Seungcheol spoke up after he ordered himself a drink

He turned to the man to see his face


"Cheol" Joshua smiled sweetly at Seungcheol

"Long time no see.. what are you doing near here?"

"I met a client near here. I'm a lawyer now"

"Really. Wahhh! Daebak, Shuaa-yaa" Seungcheol touched Joshua's shoulder

"Look at you, you've achieved your dream of becoming a doctor"

"I'm just a practical doctor"

"It's not easy to be a doctor near this hospital you know. You're lucky"

"Shua..." Seungcheol pulled Joshua's body and then he hid behind Joshua when he saw Jeonghan who seemed to be coming towards the cafe

"Cheol, why?" Joshua awkwardly asked as Seungcheol approached him

"Ahh n-nothing.. Mianhe shua-yaa" Seungcheol replied. His heart was pounding when he was near Joshua

Seungcheol covered his face with the drink he had in his hand and sped up to leave the hospital

"Huh.. luckily he didn't see me" Seungcheol breathed a sigh of relief


"See" Wonwoo took out his phone and pointed to Jeonghan

"Did he see you?" Jeonghan asked with a surprised look on his face

"Yesterday.. Jiwoo and I ran into him"

"Did he say anything to you?"

"He just said he misses me.. opss no.. not me but Jungwoo"

"You didn't tell him that you're not the Jungwoo he knows?"

"But the problem is, he called me Wonwoo instead of Jungwoo. Everything got messed up"

"What? He called you Wonwoo? Did you ask Jiwoo about this?"

"Jiwoo is only 22 years old, Jeonghan... Mingyu was Jungwoo's sweetheart 9 years ago... So at that time, Jiwoo was still 13 years old.. he was still young"

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"first time I came here during on day time.. I bumped into Mingyu and... Yes! There's another person I think might be able to help me put this puzzle together"


"I ran into someone named Seungcheol... His face looked like he knew me when we first met"


"Yup.. why?"

"I once met him around Jungwoo's treatment room"

"Seriously? Then, can you help me..."

"Yes, I understand what you mean.. I will try to approach him to find out if he knows anything about Jungwoo and Mingyu"

"Thank you... You are the one I trust the most now"

"So, you also want to approach Mingyu to find answers to all the questions on your mind?"

"Of course not" Wonwoo made a disgusted face. He couldn't bring himself to face his brother's former lover

"The problem will continue if I approach him with the identity of his ex-lover, Jeonghan... If one day Jungwoo wakes up from his slumber, everything will be like a disaster" Wonwoo said again

"I understand... It's okay, let me approach the person named Seungcheol, you continue the investigation as usual.."

"Remember.. don't fall in love with him.." Wonwoo warned Jeonghan

"Arraso.. you too, let's finish all this and return to our original place calmly"

Wonwoo and Jeonghan high five as a sign of their agreement not to exceed their limits

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