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Seungcheol was stunned by Jeonghan's shameless actions. A feeling of fear haunts him. For some reason he felt that people like Jeonghan were very dangerous to be around

"L-let me go" Seungcheol pleaded politely. He didn't want to deal with people like that so he deliberately lowered his ego by speaking politely to Jeonghan

Jeonghan brought his lips close to Seungcheol's ear and whispered something to him
"You are very attractive"

"W-what?!" Seungcheol said in his heart. Is the man in front of him losing his habit? He made Seungcheol's body groan

"Take your hands off me. I have work to do right now" Seungcheol asked politely once again

"Before you go, tell me your name first" Jeonghan held Seungcheol's chin while giving Seungcheol a seductive look

"S-seungcheol" replied Seungcheol quickly
He pushed Jeonghan's body away and quickly left

Jeonghan just grinned at Seungcheol's cute behavior when he was teased by Jeonghan


Wonwoo and Jiwoo come to the Hospital together to visit Jungwoo. They were both dressed as usual without covering anything including their faces because they came at night so, not too many people pass by there

"Wonwoo" called Jiwoo while looking at his brother


"Jeonghan doesn't come along at all? He usually does" asked Jiwoo

"He came here early this morning"

"Initially he came. What did he come for this morning?"

"You're asking a lot.. don't interfere in adults affairs"

"Wonwoo, Jiwoo is 22 years old, you know, not 2 years old" Jiwoo made a sad face in front of Wonwoo


"Wonwoo" Mingyu called out

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo was surprised when he ran into Mingyu here

"Jungwoo's ex-boyfriend is here" Jiwoo whispered while pulling Wonwoo's sleeve

"What's wrong?" Wonwoo asked Mingyu casually

"What are you doing here?"

"You go there first, I'll be right back" Wonwoo told Jiwoo

"Nae, Wonwoo oppa" Jiwoo left the two of them in an awkward atmosphere

"What do you want?" Wonwoo asked rudely

"I saw you come in, I wanted to ask what you are doing here?" Mingyu replied politely

"If I come here, that's mean I want to visit someone. If you see me wearing a patient's shirt, that's mean I'm being treated here" Wonwoo said with a slightly annoyed tone of voice

"Oh, are you okay?"

"I'm standing in front of you, right? I can still walk, right? That means I'm still healthy" Wonwoo raised his hand slightly and pointed to Mingyu

"Oh" Mingyu replied shortly
Maybe, he was surprised by wonwoo's changed behavior

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Wonwoo asked when Mingyu's eyes did not shift to look at him from earlier

"Have you changed your phone number? I tried to contact you before but failed"

"Mmm" Wonwoo nodded his head

"I want your new phone number" Mingyu asked as he held out his hand

"Of course.. I don't want to give you"

Mingyu ignores Wonwoo's words. He fumbled in Wonwoo's pants pocket to forcefully grab his phone

"Yah! Kim Mingyu, what are you trying to do?" Wonwoo was shocked by Mingyu's uncivilized actions

Mingyu takes out Wonwoo's phone to save his phone number in Wonwoo's phone

Kim Mingyu ❤️

Mingyu returned the phone to Wonwoo with a smile. Wonwoo saw Mingyu's name saved on his phone

"With heart?" Wonwoo felt ridiculous with Mingyu's childish actions

"Neon michyeoss-eo?" Wonwoo asked annoyed

"I'm not crazy.. I just miss you" replied Mingyu with a sad tone of voice

"But you can't act like this, Mingyu"

"If I don't do this, you won't let me into your life again"

"Yes, he must be crazy"
Wonwoo gave Mingyu a death glare before he walked away

"Don't forget... message me! Arraso, Jeon Wonwoo!" Mingyu shouted to Wonwoo who was already a little far away from him. He didn't even care that he was still in the Hospital, Wonwoo still came first


"How can Jungwoo love someone like him? He's kinda rude to me" Wonwoo said to himself as he headed to Jungwoo's room

He opened Jungwoo's room door slowly when he got there. He saw Jiwoo who was asleep next to Jungwoo's bed

"It seems like she's very tired" Wonwoo opened the jacket he was wearing and covered half of Jiwoo's body

"Wonwoo, you're here?" Jiwoo woke up when he heard Wonwoo speak

"You can sleep here.. when I already want to go home, I'll wake you up" said Wonwoo softly

"Mmm" Jiwoo nodded his head and closed his eyes again

"Kim Mingyu.. you're quite an interesting person.. are you nice or pretending? I need to find out about you" he said in his heart while his eyes looked at Jungwoo

୧⍤⃝💐── ⋆⋅♡⋅⋆ ──୧⍤⃝💐

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