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Wonwoo opened his eyes and found him sleeping on the living room couch. His hand reached for the shirt that was at the end of his leg and he quickly put it on

He realized that the fact that Mingyu did not come home overnight. Mingyu was next to him sleeping with his head resting on the table next to him

"Mingyu... Yah- kim Mingyu" Wonwoo tried to wake him up

"Umm?" Mingyu replied while rubbing his eyes with one hand

"Why didn't you back to your house yesterday? I told you to go back, didn't I?" Wonwoo continues to hurt Mingyu's heart even though yesterday his moment with Mingyu touched his stone heart

"Your wound is getting better?" Mingyu ignores Wonwoo's scolding by changing the topic


"Your wound... You shouldn't use your energy to move.. You need to rest for about 3 or 4 days before your wound can heal completely"

"I don't have time for all this.. I have work to do" Wonwoo tried to get up but he fell on Mingyu's lap

But Mingyu's hands greeted Wonwoo's body warmly. It seems, he is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Wonwoo's survival

"Mingyu... You're a doctor, right?"

"Yes.. why do you ask?"

"Aren't doctors very busy with their work? After all, you have to take care of the two boys, right?!"

As a result of being too angry with Mingyu's relaxed character, his tongue went numb as he realized that he had missed the point. He literally found out about what Mingyu has been up to lately

"You find about me?" Mingyu held Wonwoo's hand. Her eyes sparkled with emotion as he thought that Wonwoo still cared about him

"I-I.. n-no, I don't-" Wonwoo's speech became a bit clumsy

"Wonwoo-yah" Mingyu gently touched both of Wonwoo's shoulders

"What else do you want?" Wonwoo's hand tried to free himself from Mingyu

"I know that our relationship ended 9 years ago, but you don't have to put up walls this high with me. We used to love each other" explained Mingyu

"I'm not the Jeon Wonwoo you used to know. The Wonwoo I used to be may not appear in front of you again!" Wonwoo's jerk

Seeing Mingyu so sad convinced him that he had nothing to do with his brother's accident. Wonwoo doesn't want to pretend to be the person Mingyu loves anymore in front of him

"What are you talking about? I don't understand"

"I don't know if you really don't understand or you're just pretending. Just enough! I don't have time for all this, Kim Mingyu!" Wonwoo pushed Mingyu's body then got up and went to the bathroom to clean his body

"Can I take a shower with you?!" Mingyu shouted without any shame in him

"Don't you dare!"

15 minutes passed....
Wonwoo finished his shower and left the bathroom wearing only a towel on the lower half of his body. The wound dressing that Mingyu made was also still there

"Hooo!" Mingyu squeezes Wonwoo as soon as Wonwoo steps out of the bathroom

"What do you want?" Wonwoo asked with an annoyed face

"Do you have time today?"

"What time?"


"If I say I have time, what do you want to do?"

"I want to take you somewhere"

"Suddenly I remembered that I have something to do" Wonwoo tried to avoid spending time with Mingyu

"Jeon Wonwoo" Mingyu gripped Wonwoo's arm quite tightly. He stopped Wonwoo's steps with his big body

"Let go of me.. what are you trying to do!" Wonwoo is no less stubborn. He wasn't someone who would be intimidated by the actions of people like Mingyu

"Why do you now like to snap at me! You used to always obey me!" Mingyu's emotions began to be uncontrollable by himself

"I'm not the Wonwoo I used to be! I won't talk to someone like you!"

Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist and brought his face closer to him. Wonwoo's heart beat faster when Mingyu acted like that. His cheeks started to redden. His whole body could not move due to being too shocked

Mingyu's lips slowly approached and gently touched Wonwoo's. Wonwoo's hand tried to reject Mingyu's intention to try to take advantage of him. However, Mingyu still insisted on resisting Wonwoo's actions by pushing himself against the wall by the bathroom. Wonwoo who couldn't tear himself away from being kissed by Mingyu, finally succumbed to the kiss. Unbeknownst to him, he also returned the kiss from Mingyu

Mingyu's hand touched Wonwoo's chest warmly. He kisses Wonwoo's neck and causes Wonwoo's lust to get out of control. He sighed loudly as his eyes closed to enjoy his satisfaction at that moment

While they are doing that 'thing'. Suddenly, Jungwoo's voice was heard in Wonwoo's mind which caused Wonwoo to quickly stop that senseless

"M-mingyu, stop it..." Wonwoo pushed Mingyu's body

"Why? You kissed me back earlier, that means you still have feelings for me!" Mingyu who didn't understand Wonwoo's actions continued to question him in a slightly angry tone of voice

"I can't. We can't be together, you and I are different. I'm not the Wonwoo you know" Wonwoo repeated the same sentence many times in order to wake up Mingyu's mind which he thought was a bit sluggish

"Do you think I care? All I want is you!"

"This man is crazy! Jungwoo and I have different personalities. Shouldn't he be able to get to know the ex-boyfriend he still loves?" Wonwoo muttered in his heart

"You shouldn't be around here... I have work to do now. After you take a shower, just put on the clothes in the dressing room and get out of my house!" Wonwoo reached for his shirt from last night which was on the sofa

He put on the shirt and prepared to leave the house

"Jeon Wonwoo" Mingyu's call made Wonwoo's feet who were already outside the door of his house stop for a moment. He turned to Mingyu to listen to what he wanted to say

"You still belong to me. Your soul, your heart and your body belong to me. You should never think of having anyone else but me.."

Although in his heart Wonwoo was quite surprised by Mingyu's speech, but his face remained flat. He ignored Mingyu and left without looking back

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