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Seungcheol was holding back his anger that might explode in this moment. He inhaled and exhaled several times. This time he won't let people like Jeonghan do as he want anymore

"yah! Yoon Jeonghan! I'm not your doll! You dare you treat me like this?" Seungcheol pushed Jeonghan so that Jeonghan was thrown back a little

"Yah c'mon... I'm just kidding. You know? 'kid...ding..', don't mad at me like that again"

"I cannot be with you, Jeonghan. You and I are like sky and earth. We're different. And.. I'm a man, Jeonghan-ah.. namjaaa"

"But you and I... We are the same which is a human. We have the right to choose who we want to love. How about I take to a place that can calm your minds?"


"Follow what I said, arraso Seungcheol-ie? Kajja.. I take you to that place" Jeonghan grabbed Seungcheol's hand and led him somewhere

Seungcheol who was lazy to argue just followed Jeonghan's invitation without refusing. Maybe after this, they will have an understanding between the two of them


When they finished showering, Mingyu wipes Wonwoo's hair with a towel. Wonwoo looked at Mingyu who was wiping his hair with a passionate look. He didn't think that he could make peace with Mingyu without arguing, and he didn't have to avoid Mingyu anymore

"Mingyu-ya, dry my hair" Wonwoo asked while smiling at Mingyu

"Oppa! Wonwoo oppa!" Jiwoo's voice was heard from outside their room. Yes, he is looking for where Wonwoo is

"Your sister calling..." Mingyu motioned for Wonwoo to go out and look for Jiwoo

"mmm" Wonwoo understood and left Mingyu alone in his room

Jiwoo ran to Wonwoo and hugged him tightly "yah! Where did you go lately, oppa? I heard you were hospitalized a few days ago?" Jiwoo's eyes searched for the reason why his brother needed to be treated in hospital

"I'm okay, Jiwoo. Just a little wound. Where are you? Why you not at home for a few days?"

"Ah I slept in the hospital these few days. I'm taking care of Jungwoo oppa on your behalf. Ahhh!! One more thing, Jungwoo oppa is already awake. That's why I came back home to tell you about this. I also told Jeonghan oppa"

"Jungwoo already awake? Really? Then, I have to visit him now"

"Wait a minute, oppa... You want to take Mingyu with you?"

"Of course I will.. Mingyu is Jungwoo's ex-lover, he deserves to be there" said Wonwoo despite the fact that he was afraid that Mingyu might get back with Jungwoo

"How about you?"

"What? What about me? I'm literally okay" Wonwoo enters the room again to tell Mingyu about this good news

"Mingyu...." Wonwoo's tongue was so numb that he couldn't continue his conversation

"Hey, Why are you making such a face?" Mingyu asked while caressing Wonwoo's cheek gently

"Jungwoo, he-"

"He already woke up? I heard your conversation with Jiwoo earlier. Why if Jungwoo wake up? You should be happy"

"Huh. Of course I'm happy bu-"

"Wonwoo-ya, I'm fully yours now. Of course I will still care about Jungwoo because after all he is my ex-boyfriend and also your twin. But that's all because of my concern for him. You don't have to worry.. emm?" Mingyu who understood Wonwoo's anxiety continued to explain everything so that there would be no misunderstanding between them again

"Jungwoo once said that he love you so much. How can I, his own twin snatch the man he loves. I also slept with the man he loves. I can't face him, Mingyu"

"I think you need to stop overthinking. We go see him first and we'll think about the rest later, okay?"

Mingyu chooses clothes for Wonwoo to wear in the closet. He takes care of everything because Wonwoo's face looks depressed thinking about all the problems. They went to the Hospital together with Jiwoo

After they arrived at the Hospital, the three of them went straight to Jungwoo's room. What a surprise is the room was already filled with several people like Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Myungho and Junhui

Jiwoo without hesitation continued to walk towards Seungcheol "Seungcheol oppa, you're here?" Jiwoo hugged Seungcheol lightly

"Nae, Jiwoo-ya. As soon as you called me, I immediately came here. And you said you want to go home first to find Wonwoo"

"Everyone is already here, right?" With his voice still hoarse, Jungwoo asked while looking at everyone there one by one

"Jungwoo-yah" Wonwoo approached Jungwoo with a fully smile on his face

"Don't wake up yet. You just woke up from your long sleep. Lie down first" said Wonwoo when he saw Jungwoo's actions as if he wanted to get up from his bed

Jungwoo smiled sweetly as he saw the closeness between Mingyu and Wonwoo in front of him "Finally, I succeeded" he continued to smile proudly

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