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Wonwoo who saw the way Mingyu was looking at Jungwoo decided to leave the room. He couldn't bear to see Mingyu care about his own brother

"Where are you going?" Mingyu pulled Wonwoo's hand for not letting Wonwoo leave him alone with Jungwoo

"I-I want to go out. What? You want me to see you  with Jungwoo?"

"You don't have anything to talk to me? With this awkward situation? Why is Jungwoo my ex-boyfriend? Not you"

"I don't know. If you want to know the real answer, you have to wait for Jungwoo to wake up from his coma"

"How long has he been in bed?"

"Almost 3 years"

"It's been almost 3 years and I just found out about you and him in this hospital? Why Wonwoo? You must know I'm his ex-lover right? Why didn't you tell me since our first met?"

"Because I just want to know what happened to Jungwoo. I came back to Korea only for this reason. Otherwise, you Mingyu... You will never ever know that Jungwoo has a twin brother and Jiwoo, his younger sister. After I know why Jungwoo is like this, I'll go back to my place. You don't have to worry"

"You came into my life just like that? What do you mean?!"

"What do I mean? From the beginning, I'm not the Wonwoo you love! Because you already know the truth, I don't need to pretend to be the person you once loved anymore"

"But.. I.."

"Mingyu... Jungwoo is trying to survive. I wish you were by his side" Wonwoo smiled and left Mingyu alone with Jungwoo

Wonwoo leaned against the front wall of Jungwoo's room. It was not easy for him to make such a decision. After almost 3 months of met Mingyu, it's a lie if he says that he never fell in love with Mingyu in the slightest, knowing Mingyu was his first love when he was a teenager

"It's okay, Wonwoo. After all, your work won't allow you to unite with someone like him. A good person like Mingyu doesn't deserve you, Wonwoo" he said in his heart

"Why did you lie to me? You said you were Wonwoo, my teenage friend. So all this time, your brother is the one I've been looking for all this time? Wae Jungwoo-ah" Mingyu said while looking at the face of Jungwoo who was lying lethargic

"What this feeling about?" He held his chest

His feelings are mixed now. The love he felt for Jungwoo changed to Wonwoo now. He don't know who he loves more now, Jungwoo who is his ex-boyfriend or Wonwoo, the person who just came into his life 3 months ago


"Get out" Jeonghan opened the car door for Seungcheol

"A building?" He said as soon as he stepped out of the car

"There's no need to make a face like that. I just want to take you to my favorite place" Jeonghan pulled Seungcheol's hand and led him inside the building

"Close your eyes" Jeonghan closed Seungcheol's eyes with his palm

"Ta daaa!!" Jeonghan removed his hand from Seungcheol's eyes and showed the place to Seungcheol

"Excuse me? What's all of this" Seungcheol asked clumsily when he saw an unattractive place in his eyes. Like a place where a person is experiencing depression

"Come in. Sit here"

"But why? Why did you bring me here?"

"You are the first person I brought here. The place where I calmed my mind and soul since I returned to Korea"

"You came back here with Wonwoo? Because of what happened to Jungwoo?"

"Hm. So you've known since I caught you that time?"

"mmm" Seungcheol nodded his head
"Mingyu already knows the truth"

"What do you mean?"

"Wonwoo told him that Jungwoo is the one he loves... Why? Why is Wonwoo, your best friend so rash when making decisions?"

"How would you know?"

"Myungho, Mingyu's colleague told me. Myungho is my friend"

"Seungcheol.. who are you really?"

"Me? I'm Choi Seungcheol, a practical doctor"

"No... Why do you and Myungho know about all this? What are you trying to plan?"

"Because Jungwoo is someone I know, so shouldn't I be aware of all this? I don't have any bad intentions towards you guys at all"

"Huh. This matter isn't so serious that everything needs to be kept secret. Wonwoo and I just want to know who put Jungwoo in a coma."

"So.. after you two know the reason, you will leave Korea?"

"Yes, why? You don't want me to go back there?" On occasion, Jeonghan teased Seungcheol in this tense atmosphere

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