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Seungcheol woke up from his sleep and found himself in an unfamiliar room. The room has all the equipment

"Are you awake?" Jeonghan asked as he brought Seungcheol the hangover medicine

"Where am I?"

"You are at my house and right now you're in my room"

"I have to go back" Seungcheol got up while limping because his head was still dizzy

"Sit first and drink the medicine I brought" Jeonghan handed Seungcheol a glass

"Why did you bring me... Didn't I go out with my friends yesterday?"

"I saw you were very drunk near the bar last night so I helped you"

"You don't even have to help me... My friend, Joshua there, he'll definitely bring me home safely"

"Where did you get that scar from?" Jeonghan asked as he looked at the scars on Seungcheol's chest and right leg

"Why do I have to tell you? You are nobody in my life"

"You took my shirt off?" Seungcheol said with a surprised face when he found that only his underwear was left on his body. His whole body was covered by a thick blanket

"I saw you were uncomfortable last night, that's why I took off your clothes without thinking" explained Jeonghan to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Why did you take me to your house? You could have left me in the middle of the road. Still, I won't die easily"


"Just leave me with Joshua. He is my best friend. I feel safer with him than you. I'm done, I want to go back now" Seungcheol took his feet out of the blanket and tried to stand up properly

"You like him?" Jeonghan asked suddenly

"W-why do you ask?"

"Just from your eyes I can tell that you don't consider Joshua a normal friend"

"Yes, I do like him. Satisfied? Leave me and don't mess up with my life anymore"

Seungcheol quickly left Jeonghan's house. Before that, he reached for his shirt and pants and put them on first. After he got out of the house, he leaned against the outer wall of the house

"Huh" Seungcheol let out a relieved breath while holding his chest

He did not think that he would act bravely like this. He almost felt that his life would disappear when he was around someone like Jeonghan. Seungcheol tried to do everything to avoid himself from having anything to do with the life of people like Jeonghan


"Wonwoo... We fell asleep here overnight?" That was all that came out of Mingyu's mouth as soon as he opened his eyes

"Wonwoo? Wonwoo.. Wonwoo.." Mingyu's hand gently patted Wonwoo's cheek to wake him up

He touched Wonwoo's forehead to check whether Wonwoo's body temperature was hot or not
"His forehead seems hot" Mingyu's words immediately touched Wonwoo's forehead

"Yes.. you can't panic Mingyu! Just think now you're the doctor and he's your patient!" Mingyu said to himself when he found his heart beating fast because he was worried about Wonwoo's condition

Mingyu got up and approached the creek that was not far from them. He opened the cloth on his head that was used to contain the blood on his head. He soaked the cloth in the river water to clean the cloth. Then, he wrung out the cloth and brought it to Wonwoo who was still unconscious. He wiped around Wonwoo's neck and chest to ease the heat

A few minutes later...
Wonwoo wakes up

"You're wakeup?"

"W-we fell asleep here last night?" Wonwoo asked holding his head

"Yes, does your head still hurt?"

"A little bit, you... Why are your wounds exposed? Why did you use that cloth for me?!" Wonwoo said using a rather high tone

"I was too panicked earlier so I didn't think too much about it"

"You're such a careless person" Wonwoo took the cloth from his forehead and wrapped Mingyu's head again. "It will hurt a little.. this cloth is wet" said Wonwoo

"It's okay" Mingyu just smiled while looking at Wonwoo who was wrapping his head

They fought each other to find a way out of the forest. Maybe because this forest is too deep, making help from Wonwoo's people unable to find their whereabouts

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