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All of Jungwoo's lies started when he was jealous of everything his twin had. He craves the love of everyone around him because he feels that Wonwoo's life is much better than him. This happened also because when he lived with his mother, they lived in difficult conditions until when he had grown up and he met Jiwoo and Wonwoo who helped him

"Now, what do you want me to do? After all of your ridiculous plans?"

"Stay with Wonwoo as usual. My life will not last long either. I just woke up because Myungho woke me up temporarily with the help of the medicine he made. Maybe he thinks the plan that I made needs to be stopped and I should wake up to explain to you and Wonwoo"

"Yah!!! What do you mean?" Wonwoo broke into the room and approached Jungwoo roughly

"Wonwoo, you're here again?"

"You just woke up and you want to leave me again? What do you mean, Jungwoo-ya! You can't die like this! Jiwoo needs you, I need you.. we all need you! I'm thinking of quitting the job I'm doing now and going back to living in Korea forever. What's the point of me staying here if you die?"

"Nae, Jungwoo oppa. I also can't let you die! Wonwoo oppa and I need you the most" Jiwoo enters and interrupts her brothers' conversations

"But.. My disease is the same as our mother's. As you two know, she also left us after battling with this illness for several years. I can't do anything with it"

"Seungcheol... Myungho... Junhwi..." Said Jungwoo while smiling when he saw his three friends enter the room

"Seungcheol oppa... You're a doctor, right? You can save Jungwoo oppa right? Right, oppa?"

"Jiwoo... Oppa..." Seungcheol shook his head

"Jungwoo has survived for more than 5 years. That can be said a miracle. For more than that, I think it's difficult because this disease so far cannot be cured" Said Myungho who is the doctor in charge of Jungwoo

"How can you say that in front of Wonwoo, Myungho-yah!" Seungcheol scolded Myungho loudly

"So you want me to say 'yes, Jungwoo can survive' ? Like that, hah Seungcheol?" Myungho pushed Seungcheol's shoulder roughly

Jeonghan, who had been leaning against the wall, looked at their behavior and tried to understand their true character. He felt that there was something wrong with Seungcheol's demeanor. Not because he is nice or not, but the way he treats Jungwoo and Myungho, like they were the same age, because Seungcheol didn't call them both by honorifics

"Wouldn't it be better if you didn't say that in front of his family?" Seungcheol's eyes suddenly looked at Jeonghan who was beside him

"Seungcheol oppa. Calm down juseyoo. What doctor Myungho said is true, isn't it?" Jiwoo approached Seungcheol and held his arm gently

"Ahhh I see. After Jungwoo woke up, you don't want to pretend  to be a good and innocent man anymore?" Myungho hurt Seungcheol by his words on purpose

"Myungho, don't say that to Seungcheol. I just woke up and you guys chose to fight in front of me?"

Seungcheol didn't pay attention to Jungwoo's words and continued to leave the room in his angry state. Because Jeonghan was also there, he tried to hold back his anger

"Jeonghan..." Wonwoo looked at Jeonghan and motioned for him to follow Seungcheol and tried to calm him down

Jeonghan who understood Wonwoo's instructions immediately left the room and chased after Seungcheol without hesitation

"Seungcheol-ah" Jeonghan called Seungcheol from behind

"Jeonghan. Leave me alone!"

"Yah, what do you mean?" Jeonghan restrained Seungcheol's movement

"You didn't hear what I said? Leave me and don't dare to follow me!"

"Yah, I didn't know that you are someone who can't hold back your anger?"

"Then, you really don't know the actual me"

"Yah, don't treat me like this" Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol to calm him down

At first, Seungcheol wanted to punch Jeonghan in his stomach to get him let go of the hug. But, he canceled that intention and returned Jeonghan's hug. His head tilted to the side and rested on Jeonghan's shoulder

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