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Mingyu carried a bottle of cold drinking water in his hand and headed somewhere. He placed the bottle on Wonwoo's cheek

Wonwoo held his cold cheek and gave Mingyu an annoying look

"Why did you still follow me here?" Wonwoo asked

"Your face looks like there is a problem"

"You don't have to act like you know me so well!"

"Why do you get angry with me? Did I do something wrong to you?"

"You know? Your presence in my life makes my life worse!"

"I still love you, Jeon Wonwoo"

"Save your love and stay away from me!" Wonwoo got up from his seat and walked away from Mingyu

"Jeon Wonwoo!" Mingyu got up and protected Wonwoo from being shot by someone

"Run!" Wonwoo said while pulling Mingyu's hand

They both ran to find shelter from the person who was chasing them. They got into the car and drove away at high speed. The people were still following them and also shot both tires of their car in the back. That caused Wonwoo and Mingyu's car to skid and enter a deep ravine

"Boss, their car went into a ravine" the man told someone on the phone line

"Good job!"

Wonwoo woke up first as his forehead was bruised from the impact. He turned to Mingyu and found that Mingyu's forehead was bleeding profusely. He tried to wake up Mingyu but it was unsuccessful

"Mingyu, wake up. Mingyu, wake up" Wonwoo slapped Mingyu's cheek gently to wake him up

Wonwoo got out of the car slowly while heading towards Mingyu then he opened the car door to let Mingyu out. He pulled Mingyu out and dragged him under a nearby tree

Wonwoo tore his sleeve a little to stop the blood from Mingyu's forehead. Wonwoo's face turned pale because his body still felt pain

"Wake up or I'll leave you here!" Wonwoo deliberately threatened with his mind to make Mingyu wake up

"Y-you want to leave me here?" Mingyu said in his hoarse voice

"Finally, you're woke up "

"Where are we?"

"Like what you see, forest. Our car fell in the gorge earlier so... This is our fate"

"Who were they?"

"Shush! Don't ask too much, now let's find a safe place first. Then, I'll tell you" Wonwoo lifted Mingyu up and led him along the way slowly

After walking for a few minutes, they found a creek and decided to rest there while waiting the help arrived. Help from Wonwoo's subordinates, they will search for Wonwoo if there is no news about Wonwoo for more than 8 hours

"How are your wounds?" Wonwoo ask

"Just like that, it doesn't get better. It doesn't get worse. Are they your enemies?"

"mmm" Wonwoo nodded his head

"Do you have enemies? What have you been doing all this time?"

"My job? Kill people" Wonwoo replied with a slight smile on his lips

"Y-you... Just kidding, right?"

"It's true, my work does have something to do with people's lives"

"Are you a mafia?" Mingyu asked hesitantly

"Maybe? You can assume me as a Mafia or vice versa. Just follow your feelings. My job is very dangerous. So, you need to stay away from me"

"I'll die if I'm close to you?"

"Yes.. and my place is not here, I will leave when my work here is done. So, I don't think you need to try to win my heart because I will never fall in love with you..."

Mingyu felt that the Wonwoo who was in front of him at the moment was not the Wonwoo he knew. But, for some reason, he also felt like he had known this Wonwoo in front of him for a long time. He did not feel that Wonwoo in front of him would threaten his life

"But we can be friends, right?"

"But friends won't do what we did that night" explained Wonwoo

"I'd rather be considered a friend by you than I have to stay away from your life" Mingyu answered while holding Wonwoo's hand

"You will start to stay away from me if you know everything, Mingyu" said Wonwoo in his heart

"Jiwoo said to me that you helped him three days ago?"

"Oh-uhh yes, she told me that you always bully him when you are there. She also told me that she is your sister and has two brothers including you"

"Uu-huh? Did he tell you about the other brother?"

"No... There's just something a little strange that I need to confirm"


"You used to tell me that you were an only child. So, I wonder why you tried to deceive me in the first place when you have two siblings"

"Did I say I'm an only child?"


"Huh! Jeon Jungwoo, what other lies are you trying to do"
"Maybe you heard or remembered wrong"

"Oh, could it be?" Mingyu replied as he thought about it again

Wonwoo woke up and looked for materials to make a bonfire when the night had started to set in

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