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"Seungcheol" Jeonghan's hands were on Seungcheol's cheeks


"Can I try?"

"Try what?"

"kiss your lips"

"Are you crazy? Why do you have such thoughts?"

"I just want to know how I feel about you. Is there love or do I just need a friend to talk to"

"You can prove it by doing something else. Why should you kiss me?"

"Please, Seungcheol-ie"

"Andwae. Still can not"

"Seungcheol-ie" Jeonghan begged with his pitiful eyes as his hand gripped Seungcheol's thigh

"Arraso. Just a normal kiss" Seungcheol closed his eyes

Jeonghan slowly brought his face closer and his lips touched Seungcheol's lips. His hands wrapped around Seungcheol's neck. Seungcheol just stiffened like a rock without returning the kiss. But even though he didn't return the kiss from Jeonghan, his heart was still beating fast as if it wanted to burst

Jeonghan moved his lips away after kissing Seungcheol contently. He breathed a sigh of relief because he finally knew how he felt about Seungcheol

"Satisfied?" Seungcheol wiped his lips with his long sleeve

"No" Jeonghan smiled as his eyes did not move from looking at Seungcheol's lips

"Crazy person. I said just a normal kiss, why are you using your tongue!" Seungcheol pushed Jeonghan's shoulder hard

"Your lips are delicious. That's why"

"Don't play with me, Jeonghan! I don't have time for this kind of thing"

"Alright, I'll be serious... How did you feel after we kissed?"

"My feelings? Just a normal feeling. Nothing special"

"Are you sure? But just now you had time to kiss me back"

"Indeed. You kissed me forcefully, you expect me to stay silent without replying? Is that what you want?"

"But right... After we kissed, I already know how I feel about you. I feel like you're the right person!"

"What do you mean this time?"

"Nothing.. I just want to say that I want you to stay by my side. You there where a times that when I'm happy and sad, that's all. Can you do that for me, Seungcheol-ie"

"But I..."

"That's all I want. If you don't want more to be more than a friend, I just want you to always be in front of my eyes"

"A-alright. If that's all you want, I can stay by your side. as a friend. Yes, a friend" Seungcheol touched Jeonghan's hair and caressed it slowly

"Jjinja?! Gyumayo, Seungcheol-ah" Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol tightly

They both spent time together in the room. Many things they do such as tell about their way of life, what they like and so on. It looks like they are getting more comfortable with each other unlike before where Seungcheol tried to avoid Jeonghan a bit


"Is there something bothering you?" Myungho asked when he saw Mingyu who hadn't spoken since earlier

"You're the one in charge of taking care of the patients on the top floor, right?"

"Y-yes.. why?"

"That patient is my ex-lover"

"Oh.. then?"

"If you were me, what would you do? He has twins. The person who has been in my life for the past few months is his twin brother Wonwoo, but my ex-boyfriend told me his name is Wonwoo. He lied to me, he is not the person I knew when I was a teenager but his younger brother Wonwoo. And now the Wonwoo I'm looking for is right in front of my eyes. But, it's a lie if I say I don't love my ex-boyfriend anymore. I was with him for more than 2 years before he decided to break up with me"

"So you mean, you also have feelings for that Wonwoo? You like them both at the same time?"

"I don't know... I love Wonwoo now but I'm not willing to let go of my memories with my ex-lover"

“Jungwoo… He can't last much longer”

"He's going to die?"

"He only survived with the help of a respirator. Without the help of a respirator, he would not have survived until now. His condition has been getting worse since last year"

"Wonwoo knows about his brother's condition?"

"Mmm" Myungho shook his head

"You didn't tell him?"

"It's not time yet. I'll tell him later"

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