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"Jeonghan-ie" Seungcheol began to approach Jeonghan slowly

"Yah- wae, don't be serious like this. You're just scared me"

"Let's just stop what's on our mind. It is my fault, I shouldn't have started it. From the beginning I already planned to go back there. I can't let my father's business ruin"

"What about me"

"Jeonghan-ah, you can't even want to let go of your ambitions. For our own sake, I think we should-"

"You really think I don't want to be a normal person? I'm also like you, I don't have any family members leave anymore. Maybe your heart is made from stone, your expression kinda annoying me!"

Seungcheol just watched Jeonghan leave with a cold face. He was too lazy to persuade or say sweet words to Jeonghan again. Maybe for now, this situation is good for both of them


"Wonwoo... How is your relationship with Mingyu? This is all I can do for you. Forgive me for using your identity to approach Mingyu"

"You talk like you don't love Mingyu anymore.."

"That doesn't matter anymore. All I want to do now is spend time with you and Jiwoo. Please take care of me while I'm still alive" Jungwoo pleaded in front of Wonwoo and Jiwoo

"Alright... I will do as you want"

"Myungho told me yesterday that I can get out of this hospital because all the medicine is no longer working in my body. He wants me to spend my last moments with the important people in my life which are you, Jiwoo and the three of them"

"Yes oppa. Tomorrow, I will invite all of them to our home. I want to make a party for welcoming you back home after so long" Just thinking about it made Jiwoo excited. She really likes that kind of crowd. Furthermore, all of her close people have gathered again

"Jiwoo! Jungwoo is not even fully strong yet and you want to make a fuss like that.. Ahh this kid, Aigoo!"

"Jungwoo oppa, look! Wonwoo oppa scolded me. Jiwoo just wants to make Jungwoo happy, don't you understand hah Wonwoo oppa?!"

"I'm okay, y'all.. If you guys want to wait for me to be healthy, I don't think I have that time" Jungwoo laughed softly while covering his mouth with his hand

"Tomorrow I will make sure everyone's mood is in happy condition. There was no fighting or anything like that" Jiwoo got up from her seat and smiled proudly. In her mind, she already imagined how fun and lively tomorrow party would be

"Party? I think I can't go" Jeonghan, who was outside earlier, entered the room with a moody face

"Same" Seungcheol reached for his things that were still in the room because he wanted to leave the place as soon as possible

"Seungcheol and Jeonghan oppa... Give me a reasonable reason.. Why do you both look not in good feelings?"

"You two have a miscommunication with each other?" Asked Jungwoo

"Ask your friend. He doesn't want me anymore cause I kill his whole family" Jeonghan said while looking at the wall. He didn't turn his head towards Seungcheol at all from earlier

"Don't tell me he is-"

"Yes, Wonwoo. Seungcheol is the last son of Richard Herson. I have known about this since the first time I met him"

"Jungwoo-ya, why didn't you tell me about this. This is a serious matter for me"

"If I tell you before, you will kill him without hesitation. I just want you to find out the truth and not kill innocent people like Seungcheol"

"Innocent? Earlier, he said to me that he wants to continue Richard's business" Jeonghan who heard the two twins' conversation did not hesitate to interrupt them

"Seungcheol oppa, what Jeonghan oppa said is true? Oh wae oppa... You don't want to be with us anymore?" Jiwoo asked with her spoiled voice

"They need Richard's rightful heir. So, willy-nilly I have to do that. I just want to continue my father's business. Not to continue his cruel work"

"Then, why don't you want me? Or you consider me as a burden to you. I only hate your father and two brothers. Not you! If I could see my future, I wouldn't kill them all because of you"

"Woah Jeonghan. It's been a long time since I've seen you lower your ego this much. You love him that much?" Wonwoo laughed at his friend's behavior

From a scary person, he suddenly became a spoiled and gentle person to Seungcheol

Jungwoo's eyes were only focused on Seungcheol who had been silent since earlier. He also did not give any reaction "can you all leave me with Seungcheol? I want to talk with him personally"

"Nice Jungwoo. Persuade him once, tell him not to be too egotistical. While my heart still wants him" Jeonghan said before stepping out of the room. As usual, he gave Seungcheol a glare

They all left Seungcheol and Jungwoo alone as Jungwoo wanted. Because Jungwoo has known Seungcheol's attitude for the longest time. He tried to understand Seungcheol's feelings and tried to advise him personally

"Wae Jungwoo-ya? Is there something you want to tell me" Seungcheol approached Jungwoo and sat next to him

"You have a feeling for Jeonghan? Tell me honestly"

"yes, I also like him. Since we first met. You once asked where this wound on my body came from. When I was 20 years old, my father gave me a task to kill someone. And that person is Jeonghan, he is the son of my father's enemy. We fought for a few minutes before I let him go. The wound on my body was caused by that match"

"So all this time you know who he is? And you didn't tell him"

"He always thinks I'm afraid of him every time we meet. But the real is I was pretending just to make him fall in love with me. Who would have thought, I was the one who fell in love with him. I took advantage of your plan to get close to him and at first I was just like him which is I wanted to kill him out of revenge. But, I can't do that anymore. So the only one that I can do is go away from his life for his own peace"

"You can choose to let go of that grudge, Seungcheol" Junhwi entered to break the silence between the two of them


"What kind of face is that?" Mingyu came over and brought Wonwoo's favourite food

"Oh. You're here"

"I didn't expect everything to happen like this. Seungcheol who is a good son is actually the son of a ruthless mafia boss"

"I don't really care about that. All I care about is Jungwoo. Didn't you hear what Myungho said earlier? Jungwoo could die at any time. This is the first time I met him when I was growing up. do I really have to see him leave this world" He sighed heavily thinking about this problem

Everything was already clear but he had to accept this painful reality

"Wonwoo-ya listen to me.. Everyone will die when their time comes. You or me, we cannot change the destiny of someone's life. Spend time with him while he is still alive without thinking that he will die soon"

"You're right.. I can't help it to stay alive. He will only suffer more. Gwumayo Mingyu-ya" Wonwoo hugged Mingyu tightly

He was tired of going through all of this at once. It's a relief to have someone like Mingyu who is always by his side all day today

"I will always be on your side, arraso?" Mingyu kissed both of Wonwoo's cheeks and sniffed him. He did that on purpose to calm Wonwoo's heart a little

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