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Jungwoo hugged Wonwoo's body tightly. He misses his twin so much. He never met Wonwoo again after they got separated when they were teenagers

Because Jungwoo lives with his mother. Meanwhile, Wonwoo and Jiwoo live with their father. After their mother's death, only then did Jiwoo returned to Korea to live with Jungwoo. Jungwoo lacks money here, so Wonwoo is the one who gives money to both of them every month

"I'm sorry for the lie. For both of you, Wonwoo and Mingyu"

"Jungwoo-yah" Mingyu approached Jungwoo slowly. He sat next to Jungwoo and then he looked at Jungwoo with a full longing feeling. Wonwoo who saw the situation immediately got up and stood next to Jiwoo

"I'm sorry, Mingyu. Because I lied to you back then. I'm not the boy that you used to like, but maybe because I desperately want to be loved by someone. But, my feelings and actions towards you at that time were not fake"

Mingyu was too stunned to speak after listening to all of Jungwoo's heartfelt expressions. He also once loved the person who was in front of him now

"You two must be wondering who Michael is, right?"

"Seungcheol, you tell Jungwoo about that?" Asked Jeonghan while looking at Seungcheol face

"Of course because all of this was Jungwoo's plan. I have to tell him"

"Wait... Didn't Jungwoo just wake up a while ago? When did you tell him? Didn't you come with me earlier?" Ask Jeonghan a various questions

"I woke up yesterday... the first person who know was Seungcheol, my best friend" Jungwoo answered on Seungcheol's behalf

"What's the plan, Jungwoo.. just straight to the point, jeball"

"About the accident, I myself faked the accident. for sure, you must have known that, right Wonwoo. I did all this to make you come back to Korea and stay here longer. Remember when I told you that I liked someone named Mingyu? I tricked him by saying that I was you. Out of guilt, I came up with a plan like this to force you come back here. Because I know you will never ever come home or stay here if there is no important things for you to do"

"But not in this way, Jeon Jungwoo!” Wonwoo interrupted rudely

"Listen to me first-"

"No! You never told me that you actually have the same disease as our mother! How come you make me and Jiwoo like this? Or you already know, Jiwoo? You two make me feel like a stranger, just because I'm always look so cold? I'm your younger brother, Jungwoo-ya"

"I know you must have guessed everything"

"Yes! Because I'm too smart, I already know what you're trying to plan! You want me to be with Mingyu? Yes! You succeed, I've fallen in love with him. And I know who's Michael... It's pointless for me to be an assassin if I can't even find out about little things like that"

Wonwoo rushed out of the room because he couldn't hold back his anger anymore. If he stays there, he will only hurt everyone there with his words

"Wonwoo-ah" Called Mingyu softly

"Let him calm down first. Wonwoo's behavior was like that from the beginning. He don't know how to control his anger issues" said Jungwoo to Mingyu

All those left in the room also left to let Mingyu spend time with Jungwoo alone

"Don't you have anything to explain to me?" Mingyu asked as soon as everyone had left the room

"Mian..." Only one word came out of Jungwoo's mouth

"Just one word after you sleep this long?" Mingyu raised one of his eyebrows

"Seungcheol and Myungho told me yesterday as soon as I woke up. You fallin love with my twin. Good for you, Mingyu-yah"

"This is not what I want to hear from you? Can you tell me everything? I feel like I'm a stupid person here. Yes, I admit that I have fallen in love with your twin but before this, I chose to get close with him because I think he is you"

"I did all of this because of you and Wonwoo. I love both of you equally. But I realize that you don't really love me but love my dongsaeng. I don't know before that you approached me because you liked Wonwoo when you were a teenager. It all started because I was jealous of everything Wonwoo had. My crush (mingyu) loves him, Jiwoo loves him more and he has Jeonghan who is always by his side"

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