Chapter 1

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"Alice, please, tell me.."

"I'm sorry Marianne! But we have to break up! I know we already have kids and we already planned our wedding but we have to break up!" Alice said as she cried into her lover's chest

"I-I still love you Marianne, but we have to. I don't think you'll... like me. But we're breaking up for a different reason, it's nothing you did. Trust me."

"Can you please tell me that reason Alice?" asked Marianne, in her sweet French accent

"I.... can't but I still love you." Alice cried even more, as she took one of the babies, Amelia, in her hand.

"Please take care of Madeline well and I promise we'll meet again some day! I'm taking Amelia because she's more cranky and I don't want you to have so much pressure, especially since our breakup is very stressful." Alice said as she walked off with her luggage, out of Marianne's apartment, and with the baby in her arm, as she still cried.

(15 years later)

"I'M HOME MOM!!" Amelia said as she threw her bag all the way up the steps from the bottom of the stairs

"Soo... can you explain why I got a call from your math teacher today?" asked her mom, or Alice, in her British accent

"I don't know what you're talking about.." Amelia said, as she tried to hold a giggle in, pissing off Ms. Wang was so funny

"Don't act like you don't know what you're talking about! This is the sixth time this year I got a call from Ms. Wang!"

"It wasn't even a big dea-"

"I don't care, go to your room!"

"Fine!" Amelia said, as her muscular, kind of chubby, and tall self went up the stairs. "Just letting you know you look like a dwarf compared to your own daughter!"

"Don't talk to me like that!"

'I do love this kid but oh my god, she can be a pain sometimes,' Alice thought to herself as she walked into the living room. She was a business woman and she had the day off today. In fact, she wasn't just a business woman, she secretly did witch craft. She had a locked up room in the basement that was very secure because she knows what kind of child Amelia is.

(4 hours later)

"Hey mom! Can I get out now! It's almost 7!" Amelia screamed from upstairs

Alice screamed back "Sure!"

As Amelia came down the stairs, she sat next to her mom on the couch and asked her the most terrifying question Alice has ever been asked.

"Mom, I have a question?"

"Yes? Is anything wrong?" Alice replied as she closed her book to answer Amelia

"Do I... have a dad?"

Alice's green eyes widened at the shock of her question. Then, she suddenly started crying her eyes out.

"Mom... are you okay?"

"Yes, it's not your fault..." Alice replied as she cried out more and more

"What happened... did he do something to you?" questioned Amelia

"No, no. They didn't do anything. It was all my fault."

'They' Amelia, 'they'.

Amelia hugged her mom as she was crying, Alice didn't really like hugs but since it was her daughter, she was fine and hugged back.

"Don't worry about it, Amelia." Alice smiled

Alice then was suddenly picked up by her own daughter while they were hugging.

"Hey! Put me down Amelia! I'm your mom, not your doll!"

"But it's so funny seeing you get mad!"


It was night, but yet still busy in New York City. Alice couldn't stop thinking about Marianne. She hasn't talked to her... ever since a few days after their breakup.

(1st person Alice POV)

I really hope Madeline is doing well with Marianne, I wonder what they are doing at this exact time.

"HEY MOM CAN I GO OUT AGAIN!" Asked Amelia as she busted my bedroom door open without even knocking, as if she ever does.

"Uh, fine. But be back by 11:30! It's 10 now."

I know letting Amelia have so much freedom isn't good, especially she's only 15. But she can defend herself physically and mentally. She's got the body for it as well. Unlike me, I'm just 5'2", and a small 100 pound lady. I guess I've learned to say things the American way since I've been here. Back in England, I was 90 pounds but because of the American food, I guess you could say I've put on some weight.

But back to Marianne... she and I met in University here in New York City, she was from France. She was about three years older than me. She moved here shortly after I did from England and we soon got together a while after we met. We had Amelia and Madeline here in New York City as well, and if you're wondering how we, both women, ended up having biological children of our own.. well, I'll keep that hidden. For now, at least.

Madeline looked more like Marianne. They had  the same hair texture and type, silky and wavy, and those dark blue eyes. While Amelia looked more like me, light blue eyes with a bit of green in them - resembling my green, and she has my hair texture and type, straight and rough, unruly hair. But from I remember, Madeline and Amelia looked really similar. I mean, a lot of babies look the same, but when it comes to identical twins, you know it's different.

I cried myself to bed that night as I couldn't stop thinking about Marianne. What if me and Amelia had stayed with her and Madeline? She probably is married to someone else now and has forgotten about me, a lot of people had a crush on her in University and has been asked out many times. Surprised she chose me out of all people. She was pretty in every way possible. We went on so many trips together, and so many guys wanted to date her there. At those parties we went to, same. She's been asked out by so many attractive girls and guys, but I don't know why she chose me.

And despite that such good opportunity I had to be with someone like her, I had to let her go. It was for everyone's safety. Mine, her's, Amelia's, and Madeline's. I didn't want anyone knowing the secret. Marianne and I kept it a secret from others we ended up having kids as two women, but she questioned me so much about it. Especially after I gave birth to the twins.

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