Chapter 13

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I saw mom walk towards Madeline and give her a hug. Madeline's mom came over to me as well.

"So uhh.. are you, Marianne?"

"Indeed I am, and is this how Amelia looks now?"

"Um, I guess so. I am quite a bad kid, if you ask my mom." I giggled

She gave me a hug, "it's been so long. I'm so glad to see you become like this. Thank you so much for saving your sister that day.she smiled as she gave me a kiss on my head

(Madeline POV)

I saw Alice walk towards me, while mom went to Amelia.


"Y-yes? Th-that's me."

She gave me a hug, and I was quite surprised to see she was a little shorter than me. She seemed like she could defend herself though, unlike me.

"I'm so happy to see you, I'm sorry for leaving you. I hope you don't see me as bad and it is understandable if you do. B-but I did it for a reason. But I want you to know, I still love you." she said as she smiled

"Don't be sorr-"

"And you seem like a great kid. Amelia over there is well... different."


"Is something wrong?"

"N-no.. just a little nervous."

"I understand, but don't be. I'm your mother." She said as she smiled, then gave me another hug

My mom came over with Amelia then, "So.. what now?" asked Amelia

"You two can go into another room and talk for while. Me and Marianne will talk as well." said Alice as she gave directions to what is going to happen

"Okay, have fun you guys!" said Amelia

(Alice POV)

"I-I'm sorry.."

"I'm sorry too chèrie for putting so much pressure on you."

She then lifted me up and I put my legs around her waist for protection. She kissed me on my lips and do I miss that very much. I kissed back as well.

"So.. how will we tell the girls?" I asked as I was still in her arms

"Don't worry, I have a plan." she said as she kissed my cheek

"This is probably not the right time, but... do you want to start our relationship, over again?"

"Why are you asking that type of question, Alice?"

I jumped out of her hands in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, frog!"

"Of course we can start over again!" I was pulled into a hug

I'm so glad we met.

"You're just as adorable as the day I met you, amour."

"And you're still as pretty as the first day I saw you."

Reunited (Nyo!FACE Family Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now