Chapter 7

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(Amelia POV)

It's been about a month since I took the DNA test, and the results FINALLY came in!

I opened the letter and I was amazed from what I saw.

Ethnicity: British - 50%, French 50% (Closest results as possible)

This is really cool! Was my dad French? Finally, it's interesting to have another ethnicity other than British!

The next thing was very... confusing though. This was under the "relatives" section.

Parents: Alice Kirkland and Marianne Catherine Bonnefoy.

What?! Wasn't that a girls name?! The next thing was even more scarier

Sibling(s): Madeline Bonnefoy (Twin Sister)

I quickly shoved the form back into the envelope, and the envelope into the backpack, where my mom won't find it. I felt myself collapse from all the sudden thoughts thrown at me.

My collapse caused a big noise. Most definitely because I'm fat. But I'm muscular as well!

"Amelia! What the bloody hell happened?!" I heard my mom yell as she came down.

"Oh my god, why are you on the floor again?!Have you been doing those drugs again?!"


"Then what happened?"

"Don't worry about it." I replied as I still felt slightly unconscious

"Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No don't worry."

"What happened though?!"

"I said don't worry mom!"

"Oh I'll find those drugs soon!"

"Mom, I'm not going drugs anymore! That was last year in freshman year!"

"If you say so! But if I get one more call from your school about your behavior this year, especially about DRUGS, we are going to do some serious business."

"Whatever." I said as I got up, feeling much better

"Well, what would you like to order tonight?" asked my mom, as we sometimes cook. If we are cooking, it's me in charge because mom's cooking is... we don't talk about it!

"Can we go to the Italian place from last time, actually?"

"Feliciana's? Sure!"

I needed to tell Madeline, somehow.

(Time skip: 3 hours)

We were back from the restaurant, and it was quite late so I decided to chat Madeline now.

A: We... have to talk.

M: What's wrong??

A: Is your mom named "Marianne Catherine Bonnefoy" by chance?

M: How do you know...

A: I'm not some creep or something. But Madeline, we're twins. More specifically, identical.


A: Don't tell your mom about this!

M: No wonder we looked so similar..

A: I'll send you the form, but PLEASE don't show it to anyone.

M: Alright.

I sent her the form and I assumed her expression would be the same as mine, hopefully no fainting though.

M: I'm British?

A: Yes, and I'm French.

M: There must definitely be some mistake? How come our parents are both female?!

A: They made a note on another paper, it says they made the most accurate results as possible, and they checked everything. Probably didn't realize that one thing. But please, keep it secret for now!

M: Okay, so you're the older twin?

A: Apparently...

M: What do we do now?

A: I don't know. I'm going to ask my mom some questions, but I won't be too suspicious. Let's wait it out a bit though.

M: Alright.

I put my phone to charge downstairs and went upstairs to my mom's room. Probably sleeping right now, but let's see. I opened the door knob and saw a book on her desk with some... potions near it? And my mom was chanting something in Latin! I took Latin in school and on Duolingo, haha, so I knew some.

"Uhh.. mom?"

"Oh my god, Amelia!"

"What's going on?"

"I told you to knock before you come in. And whatever is happening is NOT your business!"

"Is it drugs?" I asked with a smile

"No! I'm not 'built' like you! And stop putting your bare dawgs in those Nike Blazers of yours! I just cleaned them and they smelled horrible."
she said as she used some slang vocabulary I use often.

"Anyways, I have a few questions."


"Are you gay?"


"Oh my god, I didn't know it was rude. Jesus. I fucking hate being autistic."

"Don't blame your autism for everything!"

"Well maybe if YOU were autistic, you'd understand!"

"Go to bed Amelia, you can ask me questions tomorrow."


I needed to find out what was up with my mom's past. She barely let me know anything about it.


"Goodnight Amelia."

"I bet those potions are actually drugs!" I said to myself

(Alice POV)

I heard Amelia say that to herself outside my room since I just closed the curtain. She's too dumb to believe that I do witchcraft anyway. And I bet she will be oblivious forever, which is fine. I just let her be I guess.

I'm trying to make a spell that will make Amelia, Madeline, and Marianne forget about all that had happened. I don't think it will turn out good if they find out my secret.

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