Chapter 6

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(Marianne POV)

I didn't know how to reply to this text. Come on Marianne, you're the least out of all people to not know the answer to something like this!

I don't know. Should I just admit the truth? I guess I'll ask Maddie and see what she'd do. We were getting ready to go shopping so I guess I'll ask her on the way to the mall.

(time skip: 20 mins)

We were on the way to the mall, when I suddenly remembered, I was going to ask Maddie.


"Yes mom?"

"I have a question, if you don't mind?"

"Of course."

"Let's say you texted a person after not talking with them for over a decade. And they suspect you texted them for a specific reason. And the truth is, you did text them for that reason. What would you text them back?"

"Hmm.. why are you asking this?"

"Oh nothing, just seeing."

"But I would personally just admit the truth, assuming the person is, or was, your close friend or something like a friend."

Admit the truth it was then. After the mall.

"Thank you sweetie." I said as I smiled

"But why were you crying earlier, if you don't mind asking."

I sighed, "it's a long story, a story that started way before you were born. But I can give you some details tonight."

"Okay, if you ever want to vent, you can do it to me." she smiled

"I don't deserve a daughter like you."

We arrived at our destination and checked our makeup one last second. Well, mostly my makeup. Maddie just does skin care and that's it.

(Alice POV)

That bloody git! She left me on read! Suddenly, I started tearing up, and the drops falling onto the pages of my book.

"Mom? Are you alright."

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry."

"What happened, do you wanna talk about it."

I sighed, "don't worry about it. But maybe, just maybe, I'll tell you A LITTLE BIT tonight."

"Only a bit? Okay well, if you wanna talk about something, come to me."

"Thank you Amelia, I really would love to see the kind side of you more." I said as I hugged her

"Same goes for you."

"Excuse me?"


"Stop laughing like that!"

"It's not that bad!"

"Yes it is! You sound like a horse!"

"Better than sounding like an anime girl, like SOMEONE."

"Just shut up. Anyways, I'm going to my room. Don't come in unless I say you can."

Our house here in NYC is quite small because it's New York but we liked it. The good thing is that we have at least 2 stories, but the bad thing is Amelia can hear me from my room easily so I've made sure to a new, thicker door which cancels more noise and some extra "curtains" in front of the door.

I was going to try turning into a rabbit then since it's been a while. I remembered - me turning into a rabbit is how me and Marianne even got together in the first place.

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