Chapter 14

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3 years later
(Amelia POV)

It's been a long time since we all reunited. Maddie and I were in University now, but we decided to go to University in Vancouver and stay with our parents. We ended up moving to the same house, and I'm grateful for that spell my mom, who I didn't even know was a witch, cast. The secret of mom being a witch was just in our family, as it could cause problems.

Maddie and I watched in awe as we saw our parents getting married. Marianne was wearing a white wedding dress, while Alice a white suit.

"So which one of you would like to go first?" asked the priest person

"I'll go." said Marianne, or who I called snail slurper for being French

"It all started that one day, twenty-two years ago. I couldn't get have a room with my two friends, Isabella and Julchen, and I was quite upset with that. But my past self didn't know that there was no reason to be mad, but to be glad instead. I'm so happy we got to be roommates in University, ma chèrie."

"Marianne, my love. This is too sweet. My life does not feel complete without you." said Alice, I was in the front so I could see her starting to tear up out of happiness "If Amelia hadn't gone out that day, we wouldn't have reunited."

Madeline was also tearing up next to me

"You may now kiss!"

The crowd cheered, including me and Maddie, as our parents kissed. Soon, snail-slurper picked up mom bridal-style and they went out into courtyard. The crowd, the pianist, the priest and everyone gathered outside as well too, following them.

"Thanks for saving me that day, Amelia." Maddie said as she smiled

"I love you Maddie, you're such a sweet little sister."

"Only by a minute!"

"Doesn't matter!" I said as I giggled, which ended in a hug with her.

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