Chapter 5

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(Marianne POV)

I remember her. I can't stop thinking about her. Her beautiful green eyes. Her cuteness. Though she wouldn't admit she was adorable, it was so obvious she was.

She even had the power to transform into a rabbit when she wanted to. I would also tickle her in the spots she was most ticklish in for her to turn into a rabbit when she didn't want to. Only I knew how to turn her into a rabbit with tickles. I miss ma petite lapine. I teared up even more. I hope she doesn't get mad at me over the text I sent. I promised Maddie we can go out, so maybe that will get my mind of off this.

~19 years ago~

I couldn't sleep, I couldn't help but watch my beautiful roommate from the other side of the room. I saw her get up. She came over to my side of the room to see if I were asleep. I was not, but I closed my eyes pretending I was. She seemed to have believed it. I opened my eyes slightly as she walked over to her side of the room. And-

Oh my god.

The beautiful, British girl shrunk down into her clothes and her clothes remained normal size. Soon, you could see the clothes lying on the floor as if someone had took them off and left them there. Then what I saw next shocked me even more.

A rabbit came out of the clothes and hopped out of the window. I decided to follow it.

I realized it was quite cold outside, so I quickly threw on a jacket on top of my night tank top and night skirt, and went out.

I was searching for the rabbit for a while. I couldn't seem to find it. I was planning on heading back to my room just hoping that everything was a dream, until I heard a scream from around the corner.

I went there and found the rabbit suffocating in the hands of a girl with long hair, chubby cheeks, and a long pink jacket. She was squeezing it so tightly.

"Oh I can't wait to eat you!" she said in her Russian accent, and she snickered

"Let it go!" I said as I ran over and yanked the rabbit from her hands. "Never lay a hand on the poor rabbit again!"

She ran back into her truck and took off. I carried the rabbit, or Alice, back into my, or our, room.

When we got in, I placed the rabbit carefully on my bed and checked to see if it was okay.

"Are you okay, ma petite lapine?"

The rabbit ran and grabbed her clothes from the ground, where she shrank into the rabbit, and ran back onto my lap.


The rabbits eyes widened.

"Can you... transform back?"

The rabbit backed away, I assumed it wad scared of being embarrassed of being nude in front of me.

Warning: Nude

"If you're going to be naked when you transform back, don't worry. It's only me." I smiled, as I grabbed the rabbit and cradled it in my arms

She transformed back into a human, Alice, in my arms and was holding onto me tight.

"Can I have my clothes now?!"

"Of course, ma chèrie." I smiled

"Stop calling me that- we're not a couple and we will never b-" I cut her off with a kiss on her lips, she was blushing red as she said that and blushed even harder after the kiss

"God damn. I shouldn't have trusted you." She couldn't hide her blush

"Amour, you're blushing." I smiled

"Ugh! Fine Marianne. I liked you. And I have since we met last year! Now leave me alo-" I kissed her once again and cuddled her small, nude body.

"I've always loved you too." I had a blush on my face as well "and I'm always here to protect you."

She smiled and said "Okay, love you too. I need my clothes though."

I tossed her clothes and before she left to dress herself, she asked me. "Marianne. Would you be my girlfriend...?"

I held her hands and quickly stood up next to her. I gave her a kiss on her lips. "Of course I will, what kind of a question is that?"

"Ugh, whatever!"

"Anyways, how and why can you... turn into a rabbit?"

"Okay frog, don't tell any bloody one but I do witchcraft! Now if you tell anyone, literally anyone, I will turn you into an actual bloody frog!" she snarled

I giggled, "Of course ma chèrie."

"Anyways, I'm going to get dressed."

"Okay, come back to my bed fast."

"Back to your bed?"

"Yeah! You're sleeping with me tonight!" I grinned happily


(Modern times, again)
(Alice POV)

I decided to leave that message on delivered for quite a while, which I did. I finally took the courage to grab my phone and check the message.

M: Chèrie, I know. It's been a very long time. But, I want to get in contact with you again. I was wondering if we could just be... friends?

Of course, it's Marianne! She's like Aphrodite! The goddess of love, still loves me no matter what. Even after what I have done to her. I can tell by her wording. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she's changed. Over the past 15 years.

A: Oh, and this is because of Madeline and Amelia?

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