Chapter 12

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We arrived in London, mom has been here many times before so she knows where to go and stuff. I can't wait to meet Amelia again and her mom for the first time. Or my other mom.

When we came to the hotel room, we set everything down and got settled in. Mom and I would have to share a bed since we're in a hotel, but I don't mind that.

"How long are we staying for?"

"Actually Maddie, I don't know. We're meeting your sister and other mom tomorrow though." she said as she smiled

"What if Alice doesn't like me?"

"Of course she loves you. I know she still does. She and Amelia left us for a reason, but you'll find out tomorrow. You know they're moving to Vancouver like us already, right?"


I'm so nervous. Hopefully today will go by slow, so we have time for tomorrow.

"Do you want to walk around London?"

"Yes! That sounds fun."

"Okay chèrie, are you ready?"


"Then let's go!"


I woke up the next morning, early. Gosh I was terrified.

"Come on Maddie, let's get ready." said Mom, as she handed me my favorite dress and she wore her favorite.

"It's kind of a get-together, I'm so excited."

We got ready and we called a taxi to drive us to the place. We were going to some reunion hall or whatever you called it. I think I should text Amelia.

M: Hey... I'm nervous

A: Don't be! We're already here btw

M: We're close.

A: Lmk when ur here!!

M: What are you guys wearing?

Amelia sent a snap of her in her dress, but I haven't seen her mom yet. I'm too scared to see anyway.

We arrived and the place looked quite fancy. I held my mom's hand as we got in. I saw Amelia in her long, red dress. Next to her was I think her mom? She was also in a dress as well.

(Amelia POV)

I saw Maddie walking in, and she was holding the hands of her... mom?

Reunited (Nyo!FACE Family Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now