Chapter 11

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I was about to sleep peacefully since it was spring break, and it was 3am in the morning. I stayed up playing ROBLOX with Madeline last night, but she slept at like 10. I've been up since 1.

Then suddenly, my mom came into my room. I pretended to sleep. But I had to open my eyes. I saw the test in her hands. Fuck.

"Amelia. We're going to London."


"Idiot, calm down. I packed your things last night. Throw on your shoes, you can come in your pyjamas. But your life is going to change."

"I'm sorry mom, please. I know your burning inside and I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I'm not mad actually, I just have to let out a lot of secrets when we get there. You and Madeline will probably be really mad and are going to hate me."

"Maybe me, but Madeline is a really sweet and innocent girl. So maybe she wouldn't."

"That's nice to hear. Come on, we have to be at the airport by 5 and our flight leaves at 6!"


"And if anyone were to be turned into a frog, it's probably be Marianne." she giggled

"Wow. Can't wait to meet her." I said, originally sarcastically, but which turned to truth.

(time skip: 3 hours)

We were on the plane finally, JFK to LHR. Madeline and her mom are taking a later flight, so I guess we just do stuff to prepare while we're there? I don't know.

I've been to England before a few times and I've met my aunts, but this time it feels different. One of my aunts now lives in Ireland, so it's just two of them left in their house.

This was going to be a long flight. I hate long flights.

"Wait mom?"

"Yes Amelia?"

"Does Marianne know I'm... autistic? And other stuff. I hope she doesn't hate me for it."

She giggled "Marianne knows, I told her. She will not hate you. I'm sure she loves you." Mom said as she smiled

(Madeline POV)

We were waiting at the airport, and Amelia is probably on her flight by now. Ours was in an hour. We had to take a flight to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to London.

I did indeed know why I was going and Amelia told me her mom found the DNA test. But I wanted to ask my mom, who probably knows about the test as well.


"Yes darling?"


"Did what?"

"Did y-you..."

"Did I what?"

"Find out ab-bout..."

"About what?"

"DidyoufindoutaboutAmelia'sDNATest?" I spat quickly before I put my head down on my black lululemon leggings.

She sighed. "Yes darling. But don't worry. And I know you knew but it's okay. You're going to meet your other mom." she smiled

"I'm scared... do you think she hates me?"

"Of course not! I'm sure Alice would love you, and I think she still does."

"But why did she and Amelia leave us? Was it because of me?"

She laughed "It wasn't about you chèrie. It was for.. reasons. But let's see what'll happen in London."

"I'm excited. I've never been to England!"

"It's a beautiful place. I've been years ago. It's like France actually, but one thing that's different is driving."

I've been to France a few times before so I knew what it was like. I hope this will all go well.

(time skip: 2 hours)

We were on our long flight to Amsterdam. I decided to just take a nap on my mom's shoulder since it would be long. I haven't been on long flights in quite a while and were they so boring. I fixed my socks and put my feet back into my UGG slippers. I put my hood back up as I was wearing a hoodie with the Canadian flag on it and I had my hair into two pigtails.

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