Chapter 10

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Everything started to fall apart. She's been hiding this from me for a good... week and a half? Should I say something to her about it, or wait? I went through Amelia's phone as well and there were obviously chats about sneaking out of class, but that wasn't the most important thing. The chats with Madeline. She told Madeline but not me? Does Marianne even know?

I needed to tell Marianne first. I got out my phone, and gave her a quick call. Hopefully she's not busy. Good she picked up.

"H-hello?" I stuttered

"Chèrie, what's wrong?" she asked through the phone

"Look Marianne. Amelia and Madeline found out. I think Amelia knows more than Madeline, but do you know anything about this DNA test?"

"Quoi?! Madeline would never hide something from me."

"Well frog, maybe she did this time because it was necessary."

"I need you to answer one question. A question that has been in my mind for over 15 years."

"No, I'll maybe answer that later! Where is Madeline right now?"

"At school..."

"Can you ask her after school? PLEASE."

"D'accord... but please answer the question."

"What is it?" I started tearing up

"Chèrie, if you don't want to answer now it's okay. I wish I could hug you right now."

"It's not that. I think you and the girls are going to hate me for it. I know what the question is."

"Which is?"

"The answer is IT WAS MAGIC. I accidentally casted a spell on you to get me pregnant! The spell is over since it was only a one time thing, don't worry. That's why I immediately changed my mind about having... yeah... that day. But we still did it. But this is really embarrassing. How am I going to explain this to the girls? AND I'M SORRY, do want you want. I don't care if you hate me now, I understand. I'm really sorry."

"Oh chèrie. You didn't have to hide it from me. It's okay. You could've told me that day."

"You're not mad?"

"No. But hey, we should all meet somewhere to talk about this. How about London?"



"I would love to go to London for this, but how am I going to tell the girls? I've never spoken to Madeline and you've never spoken to Amelia."

"Let's figure it out on the way. I got a plan."

"When should we go to London?"

"How about next week? Is it going to be spring break for you guys next week?"

"Yes it is. Let's book the tickets, and I'll book you guys rooms to stay in. Me and Amelia will go to my sisters' house."

"No, don't spend your money on our rooms. I'll buy it, obviously."

"Shut up frog! I'm doing it, it'll make it fair."


"No buts. But don't tell Madeline about the DNA test, until we are at London. I'll let Amelia know prior because she's the one who took it. Just ask Madeline some questions. Love you."

I ended the call and was so relieved. My stress I've been hiding for over 15 years is gone. Almost. Just gotta let the girls know, somehow.
I'll hide the fact that I found the DNA test from Amelia for a while until the day we leave.

I put everything back into where it was before and put the bag in a corner. I just took the DNA test.

(Amelia POV)

Was blasting rap music on my laptop. Then suddenly remembered, THE DNA TEST!

I quickly rushed out of my room and downstairs into the living room. I saw my mom just watching her book about those stupid fairies again.



"Did you see a paper with like, a red line on it and a stamp or something?"

"No, I haven't. Sorry. But go back to your room. You're still grounded."

'Okay good' I thought to myself, as long as if I heard those words it was fine.

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