Chapter 2

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(Amelia POV)

It was quite cold outside in late January NYC. I was wearing my Nike Blazers with my sweatpants, my brown zip up jacket that had the zip open with nothing but a bikini top underneath. I was texting my group chat about stuff, like what happened with Ms. Wang today. Then, on the other side of the street, that had cars coming from both sides, I saw something strange. There was a tall girl with a pink coat and long straight hair who had a pipe in her hand. She grabbed the hand of the other girl, one who was shorter, and had her hair in two long pigtails, and they walked off into an alley. I ran across the street to see what was happening.

I got close enough to see and hear what was happening but far enough so they don't see me.

"Now, if you don't listen to me, we're going to have some problems." The taller girl said, she had a Russian accent

"Please let me go, I'm sorry!" cried the shorter girl

I went closer to see, then the one with the Russian accent covered the mouth the other girl, and she was so close to hitting her with the pipe, I couldn't resist it!

"LEAVE THE FUCK OF HER ALONE!" I said as I quickly ran in and broke the metal pipe in my hands

"How dare you!" The Russian hissed

"I'll give you what you want, what is it you'd like?" I asked

"Hmm... what do you offer?" She asked with a creepy smile

"Would you like some of my hair?"

"I wouldn't mind."

I cut off the majority of my hair off for her. My hair was very long, down to the bottom of my back. But now since I cut it, it's shoulder length. Hopefully mom doesn't get mad.

"Now leave her alone and get lost!" I hissed

She quickly ran off and minded her own business.

"What happened?" I asked the girl she was threatening, she was the same height as me, but I couldn't see her facial features in this dark alley.

"Do you want to go somewhere that isn't as... creepy?" I asked again, as she didn't respond to the first question.

She quickly nodded yes, and then I took her hand and went out of the alley and onto the side walks of the busy streets.

"T-th-thanks for saving me..." she said, as she still had tears in her eyes and was stuttering from crying, "I can't believe you cut that much hair just for that!"

"It was nothing," I smiled "but what happened?"

She didn't make eye contact with me so I just saw her side profile, it was really pretty. Yet somehow... familiar?

"I'm actually here on a field trip, I was with my group but then I lost them. That girl just grabbed me out of nowhere. Let me check my phone hold on."

She did as said and then finally made eye contact with me. What the fuck?! Why was she so similar to me. Same nose, same hair color, we both had blue eyes, hers were just a little darker, and our hair length was the same, until I just cut it.

"I have a lot of missed calls from them.. can I call them?" she asked quietly

"Of course!"

She went from call to call with her friends, until finally she got a call from her mom. I'm assuming this girl is... French?

She spoke in French with her mom like I expected, since her mom's contact name was in French. She finally ended the last call.

"I know where they are, they're saying outside this restaurant, which is near our hotel. I just don't know how to get there from here." she told me as she showed me her phone

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