Chapter 8

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(Amelia POV)

I'm gonna find more out! I need to know who Madeline's mom is!

I googled up "Marianne Catherine Bonnefoy" and I saw some results I really liked.

She was a doctor, and she indeed was from France. I found out where she works and stuff as well. Mom must still have some connection with her! I need to steal mom's phone when she sleeps.

It was 2 in the morning and mom definitely would be asleep by now, so I crept into her room, took her phone off of charge, and ran off into my room. Her phone used password and Face ID, so I just took the Face ID option but pulled out a picture of her from my phone and I got in!

Where should I go? I guess iMessages it is first stop!

I quickly went through her contacts, and I didn't find anyone named as said earlier. But... I went into the search bar and typed up her name. A lot of messages that seem to be addressed towards her popped up. Looks like she was under the contact name "Frog", which had a smirk emoji. This was going to be interesting.

I rushed back into mom's room, put her phone back to charge, and ran back into mine. Should I continue the search or let my fat ass sleep? Second option it is I guess.

(Madeline POV)

I can't sleep... those chats Amelia sent me last night. I'm too scared. I want to sleep with mom, but I was scared if she found out. I might just run to her room and ask to sleep with her tonight. Suddenly the light turned on.

"Ahh!" I shrieked, and I hid under the bed covers

"Maddie, c'est moi, chèrie. Tu fais quoi? C'est très tôt!"

"Sorry mom. I just couldn't sleep. I'm too... scared."

"Well do you want to sleep with me?" she asked with a smile

I quickly nodded and she carried me to her room and put me next to her on her bed. Thank god.



"I have some questions."

"Of course, go ahead." she smiled


"It's okay darling, don't be shy."

"What'syoursexuality?" I quickly said and hid under the blankets


"Sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"Chèrie. Don't be. I'm happy you asked."


"Yes. Anyways, I'm pansexual. I did love someone before very much. But, stuff couldn't work out. My heart is saved just for them in case."

I was about to ask if 'them' was Amelia's mom, Alice. But I decided not to as my hearts beating really fast.

"Dear, what's wrong? Your heart is beating really fast?"

"Oh, is it?"

"Oui, I can feel it."

"Oh well, don't worry about it. It was from before."

"From what?"

"The sexuality thing."

"Oh alright. Bonne nuit."

"Bonne nuit."

(Amelia POV)

I woke up late the next morning, 11am. I went downstairs and saw my mom texting someone on her phone.

"We're moving." she told me as I came down the stairs


"Calm down. We're going to be there by next school year. We're moving to Vancouver. I got a better job opportunity there, and this place is too expensive anyways."

"But I have so many friends here!"

"I'm sorry Amelia, but we can always come back to visit."

"You're so annoying!"

"That girl never listens." my mom said as she shook her head

I decided it was time to text Madeline again, but I had a few questions to ask my mom.

"So, are you gay?"


"Someone's embarrassed."

Yeah, no time for questions. Time to text her.

A: My mom just announced we're moving 😭💀

M: Oh really, where?? I'm moving too

A: Vancouver

M: Omg really?? Same!!!

A: ACTUALLY? Yeah, she says she found better opportunity there and she says this city is way too expensive.

M: When are you moving?

A: She said we'll be there by next school year so I'm assuming over the summer.

M: Oh, that's cool. But you'll miss your friends? I'm moving over the summer as well.

A: Yeah, that's the problem. I don't wanna leave my friends

M: Well, I gtg. Moms calling, cya.

A: Bye!

Maybe I can have a chance to meet Maddie again?

(Time skip: 3 days)
(Marianne POV)

A: Frog, are you up?

M: Oui..

A: Okay well, I decided to tell you that I was moving.

M: Oh me too!! Where?

A: Vancouver, don't ruin it.

M: REALLY? Me too!!

A: Oh fuck.

M: ?

A: I don't want the girls finding out.

M: Where in the city are you moving to?

A: Near the south-western part.

M: Oh well, we're moving near the north.

A: Good, so don't do any stupid things. Okay git?

M: Okay chèrie, but maybe we can meet? It's been a while.

A: Okay I'll admit it. I love you and there hasn't been a day since I haven't thought about you. But I'm too scared. We could meet, but maybe without the girls' knowledge?

M: Deal!

I've never been so happy in my life! I'm going to see my love after so long! I need to tell my family!! My brother, my parents, and everyone back in France!

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