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Evangeline and Zach stood together under a flowery arch, promising each other love as the sun set. Surrounded by friends and family, their laughter mixed with the gentle breeze.

A simple string quartet played, creating a sweet backdrop to the intimate ceremony. Zach slid a ring onto Evangeline's finger, and the small group of guests clapped and wished them well.

The celebration continued with a hearty feast, and beneath twinkling lights, they danced. As the night went on, love and laughter filled the air, capturing the memory of a lifetime together.~

Evangeline beamed at their wedding photo from three years ago, her husband's youthful charm made her giggle. Lost in her thoughts, strong arms enveloped her waist, snapping her back to reality.

"Good morning, baby," he whispered into her ear. She turned, meeting his gaze, and on tiptoes, kissed her just-awoken husband.

"Morning. Breakfast?" she asked. Zach chuckled, effortlessly lifting her with her legs around his waist.

"I'd love to," he replied, carrying her with a playful ease.

But little does she know that he meant the 'other' breakfast. He slipped his hand under her silk dress that he loved the most and easily slid her underwear off.

With a little tug and push from him, Evangeline moaned in satisfaction as he thrusted inside her wetness.

She clutched a fistful of his hair as Zach squeezed her ass enjoying the way she bounced on him.

"Baby..." He grunted while meeting her movements with a forceful thrust making her whimper.

"Zaaaach..." Evangeline whined at her husband's teasing.

The couple savored their moment until Zach felt content releasing inside her. He sat down on the couch with her still on his lap.

They gazed into each other's eyes, sharing laughter as he remained inside her.

The couple lingered in a comfortable silence, with Evangeline nestled against Zach's chest. His fingers traced lazy circles on her back.

Evangeline broke the quiet with a gentle remark, "You're gonna be late to work."

Zach grinned, meeting her gaze. "Yeah? Well, it's my company who's gonna scold me? Unless my wife would like to start some sexy nagging."

Evangeline rolled her eyes playfully and gently got off Zach's lap. Standing up, she said, "Come on, let's have some real breakfast."

Zach, feeling a bit playful, gave his wife's butt a light spank, and she responded with a playful slap on his arm. Laughter filled the room.

Being the dedicated housewife she was, Evangeline found joy in serving her husband. Despite making a significant sacrifice by entrusting her company to her brother, she believed it was all worthwhile for the happiness of her marriage.

Evangeline set a simple breakfast on the table, and they both sat down, the morning sunlight casting a warm glow in the kitchen.

Zach, stealing a piece of toast with a mischievous grin, remarked, "Your cooking is the best."

Evangeline arched an eyebrow, feigning seriousness. "Oh, is it?"

Zach chuckled and asked, "By the way, any plans for today?"

Evangeline shook her head, "Not really. I'm thinking of just staying at home."

Zach leaned back, pondering. "Well, work is going to keep me busy so I'll be home a little late, but how about a cozy movie night later after dinner? Pick any film you want."

Evangeline's eyes lit up. "That sounds perfect."

As they continued their breakfast, discussing movies and making plans for a relaxed evening, the atmosphere remained filled with warmth. Zach eventually stood up, thanking Evangeline for the delicious breakfast, and began preparing for the day ahead.

As Evangeline washed the dishes and neared the end of her chores, Zach descended the stairs, looking sharp in his suit, the epitome of a handsome CEO.

"What a handsome CEO," Evangeline complimented as Zach approached her.

He placed a gentle kiss on her lips and spoke, "Your handsome CEO. I love you. Gotta go now."

With a smile, she replied, "Love you too. Knock 'em dead at the office." As Zach left, Evangeline couldn't help but appreciate the moments that defined their marriage life.

After finishing up all the chores - cleaning, laundry, and such - Evangeline felt a bit bored and lonely. Looking around at the now tidy house, she thought about visiting Zach at work to shake things up a bit.

Deciding to go for it, she grabbed her coat and keys. The idea of surprising him at his workplace brought a bit of excitement to her otherwise quiet day.

Evangeline decided to pamper herself, opting for a good, long bath. After the relaxing soak, she chose a beautiful, simple dress - a knee-length, navy blue sundress with small white floral patterns. The dress had a relaxed fit, perfectly matching her mood for the day.

Facing the mirror, she added a touch of makeup - a subtle swipe of mascara to enhance her lashes and a hint of rosy lip gloss. It was just enough to accentuate her features without feeling too done up. Content with her appearance, she was ready for the spontaneous visit to Zach's workplace.

Grabbing her car keys and wallet, Evangeline stepped out of the house, locking the door behind her. The fresh air greeted her as she made her way to the car, ready for the spontaneous visit to her husband's company.

Evangeline made her way to Salazar Global Construction Inc., her husband's company. As she approached, a fleeting thought crossed her mind about checking on her own company, but she dismissed it with a smile, confident in her brother's capabilities. She knew he was the smartest between them, and her focus remained on surprising Zach.

As Evangeline arrived at Salazar Global Construction Inc., the people recognized her immediately and greeted her with warm smiles.

The security guard, recognizing Evangeline, greeted her, "Good morning, Mrs. Salazar! Always a pleasure to have you here."

Evangeline returned the greeting with a smile, "Good morning! It's great to be here. How's everyone today?"

The guard nodded, "All good, ma'am. The CEO is in his office."

As she walked through the building, employees approached her, exchanging friendly hellos and expressing delight at her visit.

"Mrs. Salazar, it's nice to see you! How's everything?" asked one of the project managers.

Evangeline replied warmly, "Everything's wonderful. The projects seem to be progressing well?"

Another staff member chimed in, "We appreciate your family's commitment to excellence. It reflects in the work environment here."

Evangeline humbly thanked them, "It's a team effort. Everyone plays a crucial role. Keep up the great work!"

As Evangeline stepped onto the CEO's floor, the atmosphere shifted. The people assigned to that office, catching sight of her, immediately lit up with wide smiles. Her presence alone seemed to brighten the entire space, a testament to the genuine affection everyone held for her.

"Mrs. Salazar! What a pleasant surprise," greeted Zach's executive assistant, Laura, with a warm smile.

Evangeline returned the greeting, "Good morning, Laura! Is Zach in?"

"He's in a meeting right now, but he should be out shortly," Laura replied. "Would you like me to let him know you're here?"

"Oh, no need." Evangeline decided to keep her visit a surprise. Politely excusing herself from the team, she walked toward the conference room.

As soon as she opened the door, what she saw wasn't the expected board members or investors. Instead, she stood there shocked as her husband was kissing her best friend. The air seemed to vanish, and the scene before her was both unexpected and heart-wrenching.

"Zach... Monica..?" Their names were the only words that escaped her lips. The shock and disbelief echoed in her response.

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