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The moment felt never-ending for Evangeline as the two individuals she believed were the most significant in her life became the source of her bewildering thoughts.

"Why...?" she murmured as the reality before her eyes finally registered.

Zach promptly pushed Monica away and approached his wife calmly, despite her appearing on the verge of hysteria. However, Evangeline remained composed. She looked at Monica, who could only cast guilty glances.


"Explain," Evangeline cut him off instantly, staring directly into his eyes.

Surprised by his wife's direct and stern response, Zach tried to hold her hands, but she skillfully stepped back, avoiding his touch.

Now given a chance to explain, Zach struggled to come up with a plausible excuse.

"So?" Evangeline asked with irritation, standing face to face with Monica.

"My husband? Seriously?" she scoffed in front of her supposed best friend.

Evangeline couldn't fathom how she had spent a pleasant morning with her husband only to witness him kissing her friend now. She might have accepted it if it were someone else, but her best friend of all people?

The thought tempted Evangeline, and she delivered a sharp slap to Monica's cheek, causing her to stumble, her back hitting the table and prompting a reaction from Zach.

"Evangeline!" he called out, rushing to the rescue and unintentionally pushing his own wife away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! She's pregnant!" he added.

Evangeline was shocked by his words, and everyone outside the conference room heard the unfolding drama.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Zach? I'm your wife, and I see you being intimate with someone other than me! How do you expect me to react?"

"Calm down, Evangeline! We're in the office, for goodness' sake!" he retorted, his voice rising.

Evangeline scoffed at her husband's response, unable to deal with how he was taking his mistress's side.

"How long has this been going on? How long have you been pregnant?" she asked Monica.

Avoiding eye contact, Monica replied, "I'm three months along."

As the reality of the situation dawned on Evangeline, she gasped, a tear escaping her eye.

"You've been doing this for that long? And you had the nerve to..." Evangeline covered her mouth, taking another step back when Zach attempted to reach for her.

"Baby... I'm sorry-"

"Don't touch me!" she yelled hysterically, running out of the conference room with tears streaming down her face.

She couldn't comprehend how the man she loved had been unfaithful while being intimate with her and with her trusted best friend.

As she reached her car, a hand stopped her from getting inside, turning her around.

"Evangeline! Listen to me!" he demanded, cupping her wet cheeks. She was a crying mess, not wanting to see his face or feel his touch.

"Let me go! Go away!" she cried, attempting to push him away, struggling to escape his grasp.

"Baby, please... Just hear me out, okay?" he begged, embracing her tightly to prevent her from struggling.

"I thought... You love me," she mumbled, weakening in his grip.

"I do! I love you still! I just... I'm a man, Evangeline. I want a child. And if you can't give me that... Then please, give me the chance. Just let me be," he calmly stated.

Evangeline's arms dropped at his words.

'So this is all because I couldn't give him a child,' she thought, her sobs subsiding as her eyes focused on the ground. It felt like she was being stabbed repeatedly.

Evangeline let out a feeble laugh as Zach looked at his wife with pity.

'Right... I should have known I will never be enough,' her thoughts overwhelmed her, accepting the inevitable event due to her perceived flaw.

With almost no strength left, she pushed him away, and Zach let her go.

"Okay... I'm sorry for all the trouble," were the words she uttered before absentmindedly entering her car and locking it.

"Evangeline!" he called out from outside, witnessing her uninterrupted flow of tears.

Evangeline appeared numb, her eyes failing to hide the depth of her emotions, causing concern for Zach. He began punching the car window, but it remained unyielding.

Evangeline, on the other hand, swallowed her sorrow and pain as she started the engine, driving off with Zach attempting to run after her car but failing.

Her hands shook, and her mind was unfocused on the road, unafraid of death as her vision blurred with tears.

As Evangeline drove, consumed by her overwhelming emotions, she failed to notice that she had drifted into the wrong lane. Her thoughts clouded her focus, leading to a light collision with another vehicle, causing only a few scratches on her face and arms.

The impact jolted her back to reality, and she instinctively pulled over to the side of the road. Trembling from both the emotional turmoil and the physical shock, she assessed the minor damages on her car. With tears still streaming down her face, she touched the slight scratches on her skin, a tangible manifestation of the pain that now encompassed her.

The passing drivers offered concerned glances, but Evangeline, lost in her own world of heartbreak, didn't pay much attention. The accident, insignificant in comparison to the emotional wreckage she was experiencing, became a parallel manifestation of the chaos within her. As she sat in her car, the weight of her failed marriage and the betrayal by those she trusted most continued to suffocate her.

A kind stranger who witnessed the accident rushed to Evangeline's aid and offered to take her to the hospital. Grateful for the assistance, she accepted the help, still emotionally drained and physically shaken.

At the hospital, Evangeline was attended to by a compassionate doctor and a caring nursing staff. As they checked her injuries, the doctor inquired about contacting someone on her behalf.

"Is there someone we should notify about your situation? Family or a friend, perhaps?" the doctor asked.

Evangeline who was still processing the recent events, hesitated for a moment. She then softly replied, "No, there's no need to contact anyone. I'll be fine."

Concerned but respecting her decision, the medical staff continued their care for her injuries.

After apologizing to the person she accidentally crashed into and covering their hospital bills, Evangeline, lost in her thoughts, didn't really notice the looks or words of the people around her.

In the evening, feeling emotionally drained, she took a slow walk back home, not bothering about making dinner. It was around nine when she got back, and her concerned husband was standing at the gate, clearly worried.

Zach's eyes widened in alarm as he spotted Evangeline walking by the road, all patched up and disheveled.

"Oh my god! What happened to you? Are you hurt?" he exclaimed, genuine worry resonating in his voice. But Evangeline, avoiding eye contact, continued past him and headed straight into the house, leaving Zach dumbfounded at the silent treatment.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now