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As the car glided through the silent streets, Evangeline's gaze fixed on the sonogram that had slipped out from Zach's wallet. The image seemed to mock her.

Although Evangeline was still drunk, the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

The sonogram couldn't possibly be hers.

She was unable to conceive, a fact that had haunted her for years, silently eroding her sense of worth and leaving her feeling broken and incomplete. Her mind now remembering every bit of pain she has recently experienced.

Tears blurred her vision as the weight of that truth settled heavily upon her shoulders. The sonogram represented everything she had ever wanted but could never have – the joy of motherhood, the promise of new life, the love that seemed to elude her at every turn.

After discreetly returning the sonogram to Zach's wallet, a surge of emotion enveloped Evangeline that cleared the haze of drunkenness from her mind. She glanced at Zach who remained lost in his thoughts as she emitted a weary sigh and her voice laced with the weight of exhaustion.

"Could we make a pit stop at the next area? I really need to use the restroom," she murmured, her words tinged with a hoarseness betraying her pain.

Unaware that his wife was now sober, Zach readily agreed, directing the driver to halt at the nearest station with facilities. He was reluctant to let Evangeline out of his sight so he followed her inside. However, Evangeline quickly intervened with a feigned innocence, attempting to dispel any suspicions.

"Would you mind waiting by the stairs? I'll only be a minute," she requested, offering a forced smile to quell any doubts.

Though Zach was hesitant, he ultimately relented, nodding silently as he positioned himself nearby. Meanwhile, Evangeline who was now inside the restroom found peace in the cool rush of running water, splashing her face in a futile attempt to wash away remaining evidence of her drunken state.

As she confronted her reflection in the mirror, the floodgates of her heart opened, and silent sobs wracked her body. Each tear carried the pain of betrayal, of shattered dreams and broken promises. In that moment, alone with her pain, Evangeline wept for all she had lost, for the love that had turned to ashes in her hands, and for the child she would never hold in her arms.

Behind the facade of her resilient exterior, Evangeline was, at her core, undeniably human. With each tear that fell, she was reminded of her own fragility. A complete contrast to the image of strength she projected in front of Zach when he begged her back. Though she bore her burdens with stoic resolve, the ache in her heart could not be silenced.

In her heart, she understood the agony that lay ahead. Moving on from the man she had loved for years wouldn't be a simple task. But even amidst the pain, she decided to stand strong.

Perhaps her resolve wasn't solely for her own sake, but also for that unborn child Zach had always yearned for.

Maybe the divorce papers and restraining order she had file were daunting steps. And yet she held onto the hope that it will all be worth it at the end of the day.

After she got herself together, Evangeline quietly left the restroom. Her eyes were still a bit swollen from crying but she was determined. She glanced at Zach, who seemed lost in his own thoughts, and slipped away.

She walked through the station, moving quickly and purposefully. When she reached the platform, a train had just arrived. Without thinking twice, she got on board and found an empty seat by the window.

As the train started moving, Evangeline closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing thoughts and emotions.

Zach grew increasingly suspicious when Evangeline took longer than expected in the restroom. Concern gnawed at him which urged him to investigate. When he entered the restroom and found it empty, frustration boiled within him.

"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath, realizing that Evangeline had slipped away unnoticed.

As Evangeline arrived at her brother's estate, the blaring sirens of police cars greeted her, sending a shiver down her spine. She immediately kicked off her stilettos and sprinted towards her brother, who stood amidst the commotion, his expression etched with worry as he conversed with the police officers.

"What's happening?" she gasped out, her voice trembling with concern.

Jeremy turned towards her, his eyes wide with apprehension. "Eva! Oh my God! Where have you been?! These officers went to find you!" he said, his voice tinged with desperation.

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat. "Find me? What do you mean?"

The police officers turned their attention to Evangeline, their expressions confused. "Ma'am, your brother reported that you went missing from the club," one of them explained, his tone serious.

Evangeline's stomach churned with unease. "Missing?" she repeated, her mind racing to piece together the events of the night.

Jeremy nodded, his voice strained. "I've been trying to reach you! I was so worried when you disappeared!" he confessed, his eyes pleading for an explanation.

Evangeline's thoughts whirled as she tried to recall the events leading up to her sudden disappearance. "Zach took me," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

The officers exchanged concerned glances, their expressions mirroring Evangeline's growing sense of panic.

"That son of a — He should be arrested!" Jeremy angrily reacted.

"But, are you okay? Did he..." Jeremy asked, his voice laced with concern as he reached out to touch his sister's shoulder.

Evangeline smiled, "I am. Better even,"

The police officers exchanged a knowing glance, "We'll need to take your statement, ma'am," one of them said, stepping forward to guide Evangeline towards the waiting police car.

The very next day, Zach found another letter from the court in his mailbox. As he opened it, he discovered that Evangeline's divorce petition had been approved, citing various grounds for the dissolution of their marriage.

"What's going on, honey?" Monica inquired, her hand resting on her pregnant belly as she peered over his shoulder.

Zach's eyes widened in disbelief at the contents of the letter. "This can't be happening," he muttered, his mind racing with a flood of emotions as he hastily grabbed his car keys.

The letter contained:

Dear Mr. Salazar,

We regret to inform you that the divorce petition filed by Mrs. Evangeline Salazar has been granted by the court. The decision was reached after careful consideration of the evidence and circumstances presented.

The court has determined that irreconcilable differences and irretrievable breakdown of the marital relationship exist between you and Mrs. Salazar, warranting the dissolution of the marriage. Additionally, allegations of misconduct and infidelity on your part have been thoroughly investigated and weighed in the decision-making process.

Please be advised that this decision is final and binding. You are required to comply with all terms and conditions outlined in the divorce decree, including but not limited to the division of assets, payment of alimony or child support if applicable, and adherence to any restraining orders issued.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, you may contact our office for further clarification.


Superior Court of Cascadia

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