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"Are you in love with Klein?" Zach's question cut through the tension, his tone laced with frustration and hurt.

"What?" Evangeline asked in disbelief, her brows furrowing.

"Are you suspecting me of cheating? Zach, you're the one who cheated. Don't act like I'd do the same," she spat, her words dripping with resentment.

"You're acting so strong and stubborn, Evangeline. You think you're almighty just because you own this high-end company? I would like to remind you that I could take all of this away in just a snap," Zach threatened, his voice cold and calculated.

Evangeline flinched at his words, a surge of fear coursing through her veins. Zach had always wielded his power over her effortlessly, and she couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that washed over her.

But she refused to back down. "Don't you dare," she opposed, her hands clenched at her sides, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"Try me, Evangeline, my love," Zach smirked, his touch soft as he brushed her cheek.

"I told you I would do anything to make you come back to me. Oh, I could already imagine your future without this company, hm?" he added, his words dripping with malice.

Those words ignited a fire within Evangeline, a deep-seated hatred towards her ex-husband bubbling to the surface. "You're a disgusting piece of—" she began, but her words were cut off as Zachary grabbed her jaw and pulled her in for a deep, possessive kiss that she couldn't avoid.

He inhaled her scent, a familiar fragrance he had missed dearly, as he held her close. Slowly pulling away, he looked at her with a satisfied smirk.

"That's my good wife. We can remarry once Monica gives birth, yeah?" he suggested, planting a kiss on Evangeline's forehead.

Feeling small and ashamed, Evangeline remained silent, her eyes devoid of emotion. Zach's satisfaction at her subdued demeanor only fueled her determination.

'That's what I want to see. Surrender, Evangeline. Just be mine again,' Zach thought triumphantly.

But Evangeline's resolve remained unshaken. "I'd rather die," she stated firmly, her tear-streaked face betraying her defiance.

Zach was taken aback by her words, his expression morphing into disbelief as he looked down at her. Evangeline met his gaze with steely resolve.

"I'd rather die than marry you again. You have no love or respect for me. Choosing to have a child with my best friend only proves that I was nothing but a homemaker to you," she declared, her voice tinged with bitterness.

"I will take this baby away from me, you'll see," she warned, pointing at her belly.

Just then, the door unlocked, revealing the worried Jeremy and a calm Klein entering the office.

"Why are you here, Zach?" Jeremy demanded, his voice tense as he took in the sight of his sister in distress.

Klein, visibly shocked by the scene, approached Evangeline and pulled her away from Zach, shielding her with his embrace.

"What do you think you're doing?" Klein directed his question at Zach, his tone firm.

"That's my wife you're holding," Zach retorted through gritted teeth.

Klein paused, holding Evangeline's tear-stained face in his hands to make her look at him.

"This woman has to take responsibility for carrying my child. Therefore, she's going to marry me, after all," he declared, wiping her tears away with gentle strokes.

"What?!" Jeremy exclaimed in shock, his eyes wide at the revelation.

Even Zach was thrown off balance by Klein's words, his composure slipping.

"The hell are you saying? How could she have your child? I'm her husband," Zach protested, but Klein silenced him with a raised finger.

"I'd thank you for that, by the way. If you hadn't cheated on her, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet this amazing woman, isn't that right, mommy?" Klein winked at Evangeline, his arm wrapped protectively around her.

Despite her blurry vision and turbulent emotions, Evangeline found solace in Klein's presence. His comforting embrace made her feel secure, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach at his words.

'What is he even saying?' she wondered, her cheeks flushing as she tried to make sense of the situation.

As Klein's declaration hung in the air, tension crackled in the room, thick with disbelief and resentment.

"You have some nerve, Klein!" Zach spat, his fists clenched at his sides. "You think you can just waltz in here and claim my wife and child as your own?"

"I'm not claiming anything, Salazar. I'm stating a fact," Klein retorted, his tone dripping with condescension. "Evangeline is carrying my child, and it's only right that she marries me."

Jeremy stepped forward, attempting to diffuse the escalating confrontation. "Gentlemen, let's calm down and discuss this rationally," he urged, his voice strained with concern.

But Zach and Klein were too consumed by their animosity to heed Jeremy's plea for reason.

"You think you can swoop in and play hero, Klein? You're nothing but a glorified opportunist," Zach sneered, his eyes blazing with fury.

Klein's lips curled into a smirk. "And you're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a husband, Salazar. You abandoned Evangeline when she needed you most."

Evangeline watched the exchange in silence, torn between the two men who laid claim to her life in vastly different ways.

"Enough!" Jeremy's voice sliced through the tension, commanding attention. "This isn't the time or place. Evangeline needs space to process everything."

As if on cue, Evangeline suddenly fainted, prompting Klein to swiftly catch her in his arms.

"Oh no, Evangeline?!" Jeremy's concern was palpable as he attempted to rouse her, but Klein intervened.

"I'll take her. You handle him," Klein directed, effortlessly lifting Evangeline bridal style.

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, trying to decide between attending to Evangeline and dealing with the volatile situation in the room. But seeing Klein's determined expression, he nodded reluctantly.

"Fine," Jeremy conceded, his voice tight with worry. "But take good care of her, Klein."

Klein nodded curtly, his focus solely on Evangeline as he swiftly exited the office, leaving Jeremy to confront Zach and the aftermath of their heated exchange.

"Did you just let that man take her away?!" Zach's anger reverberated in his words as he attempted to rush after them, only to be halted by Jeremy's firm stance.

"It's not the right moment, Zach. Let's not make this any more difficult for my sister. I can't bear to see her stressed, especially considering her condition," Jeremy reasoned, his tone pleading for understanding.

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