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In the silence that followed Evangeline's plea, Klein's lack of response spoke volumes. His quiet demeanor conveyed his internal conflict, leaving Evangeline to interpret his unspoken words. With a sad smile, she accepted the truth and understood that perhaps Klein's heart belonged elsewhere.

"It's okay," Evangeline whispered, her voice tinged with resignation. "I know you're not ready for love or commitment, and maybe there's someone else in your heart." She nestled closer to him, seeking solace in his comforting presence.

"Let me stay like this for a while," she requested softly, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace. Resting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to succumb to exhaustion.

As Evangeline drifted off to sleep in his arms, Klein carefully returned her to his bed. With a bitter expression, he settled in for the night.

However, while he slept soundly, Evangeline quietly left the estate with all her belongings, driving off with her brother without Klein's knowledge.

The very next morning, when Klein woke up and realized Evangeline was gone without a word, he was filled with fury. And so instead of preparing for work, he hastily got dressed while his mind was set on finding her.

Klein stormed out of his house. His jaw was clenched with determination. He dialed Evangeline's number repeatedly, but each call went unanswered. Ignoring the growing frustration inside him, he got into his car and drove off while his mind was filled with thoughts of where she could be.

Klein's mind raced as he considered where Evangeline might have gone. SNCLR stood out as the most likely place, her workplace. Without hesitation, he directed his driver to head straight to SNCLR, urgency evident in his voice.

As Klein's car arrived at the company owned by Evangeline, his heart pounded with anticipation. He instructed his driver to stop near the entrance. And as he stepped out, his gaze scanned the surroundings for any sign of Evangeline. He marched towards the entrance with determination etched on his face. He was ready to confront her and demand answers.

Klein strode through the halls of SNCLR. His presence commanded the attention of the staff who bowed in respect as he passed. As he ignored their gestures, Klein pressed forward with his sole focus and that is to find Evangeline.

When he finally reached the floor where Evangeline's office was located, Klein's heart pounded with anger once more. As he approached her office, Evangeline's secretary rose to intercept him, a gesture of caution, but Klein's determination was unwavering. With a swift motion, he pushed past the secretary and entered Evangeline's office.

To his surprise and dismay, he found Evangeline engaged in conversation with Zachary Salazar, her ex-husband. The sight sent a surge of conflicting emotions through Klein, ranging from anger to jealousy.

Evangeline and Zachary glanced in Klein's direction as he stood there, dumbfounded and a little confused.

Evangeline rose to greet Klein with forced formality as if he were just another acquaintance. "Good morning, Mr. Klein. Please have a seat," she invited, gesturing towards a chair as Klein approached her desk, his gaze fixed on her.

As Klein remained silent, Evangeline cleared her throat and resumed her seat, facing Zachary, who wore a satisfied smile.

"So, that is all I could offer. Think about it, Mr. Salazar," Evangeline said, maintaining her professional demeanor as they both stood up.

Zachary's response was confident. "That was a tempting offer; there's no need to think about it."

Klein watched in confusion as they shook hands, sealing their deal. As Zachary strutted out of Evangeline's office, Klein's frustration boiled over, and he slammed his hand down on her desk, startling her.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Klein?" she asked, folding her hands and sitting up straight in her swivel chair.

Klein struggled to find the right words as he suppressed his anger. "Why?" he finally managed to ask.

Evangeline sighed, meeting his gaze. "What do you mean, why?" she repeated.

"Why did you leave? Why are you here at work? Why is he here? Just why?" Klein scoffed in disbelief, his frustration obvious.

Evangeline smiled faintly and took a deep breath. "I left because I needed to. It's for our own good, Mr. Klein," she replied calmly, offering no further explanation.

"That's it?" Klein asked, his confusion growing as Evangeline shrugged.

Klein pressed on feeling increasingly desperate for answers, . "Look, Evangeline. I woke up today and couldn't find you anywhere in my house. You snuck out and didn't leave a word after what happened last night. Why are you playing games with me?" he asked, his tone almost pleading as he almost lowered himself to his knees.

Evangeline's expression remained stoic as she responded firmly, "I don't remember anything that happened last night, Mr. Klein," turning her attention back to the files on her desk, effectively dismissing his inquiries.

Klein took a deep breath as he straightened his posture.

"In case you've forgotten, Evangeline, you signed a contract with me. Do you recall the terms?" he asked with a firm tone.

Evangeline glanced up from the files as her expression remained unreadable. "Yes, I remember," she replied calmly.

Klein's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he struggled to maintain his composure. "Then you understand that you're bound by it," he stated firmly.

Evangeline's gaze met his, her eyes unwavering. "I understand," she affirmed. Her voice still steady.

The atmosphere between them grew heavy with silence.

After a moment, Klein spoke up with a firm demand. "I want you back at my place tonight," he insisted, assuming she'd comply.

But Evangeline replied coolly, "No, not necessary," asserting her independence with ease.

Evangeline's response caught Klein off guard, veering off from their current conversation. "If the contract is still in effect, does it mean you'll only take responsibility if the baby is a boy?" she questioned, her tone laced with curiosity and skepticism.

Klein's silence spoke volumes, confirming her suspicions.

Taking his lack of response as confirmation, Evangeline continued matter-of-factly, "Fine. You can wait until the gender reveal to decide if you want to be involved. And if you need me for anything else," she paused, her gaze meeting his with unwavering resolve, "just let me know."

Klein couldn't help but flinch at Evangeline's indifference, his discomfort evident.

Without waiting for his reply, Evangeline returned her focus to her work, effectively dismissing him with her nonchalant demeanor.

"I have no problem sleeping with you, Mr. Klein. With or without the contract. You're my child's father anyway." Evangeline mumbled unconsciously. A realization dawned upon her, and she quickly glanced around to see if Klein was still within earshot.

To her surprise, Klein was still there, his presence present in the room.

"I know," he responded with a smirk, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"It's my child. So forget about that fucking contract." He paused.

"Let's get married. Evangeline."

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