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Evangeline scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, her dress cascading down to her ankles in a gentle flow. Her hand brushed over her pregnant belly, a sigh escaping her lips.

She now realized that living with Klein might not have been the best decision after all. While she was grateful that her company was secure and her ex-husband's threats neutralized, a part of her couldn't shake off the sadness lingering within.

"Goodness," she muttered, shaking her head slightly as she made a final adjustment to her hair. With a sigh, she left her room, intending to wait for her brother downstairs. However, upon reaching the living room, she was surprised to find Klein already dressed for work, sitting on the couch with his arms and legs crossed.

Evangeline was on the verge of questioning why he remained, but she opted not to. After all, it was his house, so his presence there was expected.

She avoided speaking to him or meeting his gaze as she walked past, a move Klein quickly picked up on.

"Where are you off to?" he inquired from his seat.

Evangeline paused, her back still turned, and responded, "Jeremy's probably waiting outside. I have to go."

Klein rose and stepped in front of her, catching her off guard, but she averted her gaze, causing Klein to flinch internally.

'Why is she avoiding me?' he wondered silently.

"I've finished the chores. I'll be back," she defensively stated.

"I'm asking where you're headed," Klein reiterated, his tone firm, eyebrows raised.

"To my OB," she replied, meeting his gaze. "Mr. Klein," she added.

Klein scoffed, arms crossed, and looked at her judgmentally. "Shouldn't your husband be taking you?"

"I have no husband," Evangeline replied flatly, unflinching.

Her words seemed to stun him further. "Aren't I your husband?" he questioned.

But Evangeline remained resolute, her tone unwavering. "You said I'm not your wife, Mr. Klein. It goes both ways."

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Klein declared, "Jeremy left a moment ago. I'll take you to the doctor."

"No, thank you. If Jeremy's not coming, I'll manage on my own," Evangeline said, forcing a smile.

Before she could take another step, Klein stormed out of the house. Evangeline sighed at his stubbornness and decided to focus on her own errands.

She made her way to the gate and hailed a taxi to her doctor's appointment. Upon arrival, she approached the receptionist to inquire further.

"Good morning," Evangeline greeted the receptionist with a polite smile.

"Good morning, welcome back. How can I assist you today?" the receptionist replied with a warm smile.

"I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Richards at 10:00 a.m.," Evangeline stated, checking her watch.

The receptionist quickly checked the schedule on her computer. "Ah, yes, I see your appointment here. Thank you for reminding me. Could you please fill out this form with any updates to your personal details since your last visit?" she asked, handing Evangeline a clipboard with a form attached.

"Of course," Evangeline replied, taking the clipboard and pen. As she filled out the form, the receptionist continued, "How have you been feeling since your last visit?"

Evangeline paused, considering her response. "Overall, things have been okay, but I've had a few concerns lately," she admitted.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to discuss any of your concerns with Dr. Richards during your appointment today?" the receptionist inquired sympathetically.

"Yes, please. I'd like to talk to him about some new symptoms I've been experiencing," Evangeline said, handing back the completed form.

"Of course, I'll make a note of that for you. Dr. Richards will be with you shortly. Please have a seat in the waiting area," the receptionist instructed kindly.

"Thank you," Evangeline said with a nod before taking a seat and patiently waiting for her appointment, feeling grateful for the caring staff at the clinic.

As Evangeline sat in the waiting area, she hoped the doctor would provide some reassurance and guidance regarding her pregnancy.

After a few minutes, Dr. Richards emerged from his office and greeted Evangeline with a warm smile. "Good morning, Evangeline. How are you today?"

"Good morning, Dr. Richards. I'm doing alright, thank you," Evangeline replied, returning the smile.

As they entered the examination room, Dr. Richards turned to Evangeline and asked, "So, how have things been since your last visit?"

Evangeline hesitated for a moment before opening up about her concerns. "Well, I've been experiencing some new symptoms recently. I've been feeling more fatigued than usual, and I've had some nausea as well."

Dr. Richards nodded, taking notes on his tablet. "I see. It's not uncommon to experience increased fatigue and nausea during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester. Have you noticed any other changes or discomfort?"

Evangeline thought for a moment before responding, "Yes, actually. I've been having some back pain and occasional headaches too."

"Alright." He paused as he wrote something on his paper. "I see you're alone today. Where's your husband?"

Before Evangeline could respond, a knock on the door interrupted them. The voice of the receptionist echoed through the room. "Dr. Richards, Mrs. Evangeline's husband is here."

"Oh, let him in," the doctor chuckled.

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat, fearing it might be Zach. However, as the door swung open, it revealed Klein standing there. He entered the room and took a seat beside Evangeline, but her mood immediately soured at the sight of him.

"Good morning, Dr. Richards," Maximilian Klein greeted as he entered the room. "I'm Maximilian Klein, Evangeline's husband."

Dr. Richards continued the discussion, addressing both Evangeline and Klein. "So, Mr. Klein, it's good to see you here. We were just discussing how Evangeline has been feeling lately. She mentioned experiencing increased fatigue and nausea. Have you noticed any changes in her health or any concerns you'd like to discuss?"

Evangeline interjected, dismissing the need to involve Klein. "You don't need to ask him, Doctor. Our schedules rarely align, so he's not fully aware of my situation."

Dr. Richards nodded understandingly. "Understood. Well, let's proceed with your ultrasound."

As the doctor prepared for the procedure, Klein's anticipation grew. However, Evangeline's unexpected question dampened the mood.

"Is it possible to not continue with this pregnancy?" she asked abruptly.

Dr. Richards paused, taken aback by Evangeline's question, and Klein's reaction mirrored his surprise. Klein's expression tightened slightly, his jaw tensing at such a direct and unexpected question.


𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now