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Klein took a deep breath, his frustration evident as he spoke her name with a hint of annoyance, "Evangeline."

But Evangeline remained focused on her task, refusing to acknowledge him as she continued to prepare dinner.

"Evangeline," he repeated, his tone growing more insistent.

Frustrated by her lack of response, Klein stood up and approached her, only to be met with resistance as Evangeline stepped back, her tone firm, "Don't bother me."

Raising a skeptical eyebrow, Klein crossed his arms over his chest. "I will keep bothering you until you actually 'talk' to me."

Evangeline halted at his words, turning to face him with a stubborn resolve.

"I don't think communicating with you is part of the contract, Klein," she sighed, her demeanor unwavering.

"Ah, ah. You're mistaken. Condition number 3 states that you are not to deny my needs, and I need you to talk to me," Klein countered, stepping closer to her.

Evangeline sighed in surrender, setting the ladle down as she finally faced Klein, who stood there patiently waiting for her response.

"Now, let me ask you again. What are you thinking?" Klein inquired once more, gently brushing a few locks of her hair away from her face.

Evangeline averted her gaze, unintentionally pouting, which earned a soft chuckle from Klein.

"So? Is my wife gonna tell me? Or not?" Klein persisted, pulling her closer.

"I..." Evangeline hesitated, contemplating whether she should share her thoughts with him.

"Hm?" Klein prompted, his interest evident in his tone.

"I just... I just think that maybe you should at least be nice to me while I'm staying here. I really don't want to lose my company, and I should be grateful for your intervention. But how could I even smile at you when you're acting like a jerk?" Evangeline expressed, her words sounding more like a musing to herself.

"Haha!" Klein chuckled at her candid request, amused by her straightforwardness. Though unexpected, he found her honesty refreshing.

"Well... Let me think about it. You did just slap me earlier today so..." Klein shrugged, his laughter lingering.

Evangeline sighed, her shoulders dropping as she reached for the ladle once more.

"I'm not apologizing for that slap. You deserved it," she stubbornly declared, turning her back to him, her resolve evident.

"Alright. Whatever you say, mommy," Klein teased, enfolding her in a hug from behind, catching Evangeline off guard.

She took a deep breath, feeling his warmth against her back.

"...and will you please stop calling me mommy? You don't even know if this is your child," she protested, her voice tinged with irritation.

Klein smirked, placing both his palms on Evangeline's belly.

"Whether it's mine or not, if you're pregnant, then you're a mommy," he whispered into her ear, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine.

Minutes later, Evangeline finally finished preparing dinner, the aroma of homemade food filling the air. She plated the dishes meticulously, arranging them with care on the dining table. As she glanced at the spread, a sense of satisfaction washed over her despite what she has been through today.

Klein observed her quietly, his usual stern expression softened by the sight of Evangeline bustling around his kitchen, her graceful movements and focused demeanor captivating him. He couldn't recall the last time he had witnessed such domesticity in his own home.

As Evangeline placed the final dish on the table, she turned to find Klein watching her intently, his eyes reflecting both surprise and appreciation.

"I didn't know you could actually cook as many as these?" Klein stated, genuine admiration coloring his voice.

Evangeline smiled shyly, a faint blush gracing her cheeks. "I'm an eldest daughter, of course I learned to cook for my family."

Klein approached the table, taking a seat as he surveyed the spread before him. He picked up his utensils, eager to indulge in the meal prepared before him.

With the first bite, Klein's eyes widened in surprise, the flavors exploding on his palate in a way he hadn't experienced in years. Each dish was crafted with skill and care, every ingredient carefully chosen and expertly combined to create a symphony of tastes and textures.

"This is... incredible," Klein remarked between bites, genuine appreciation evident in his voice. "I've never had someone cook for me like this."

Evangeline smiled, a sense of pride swelling within her at his genuine reaction. Despite their differences and the circumstances that brought them together, she found peace in the simple act of sharing a homemade meal with someone who appreciated it.

As they began to enjoy their dinner, conversation flowed more easily between them, the tension of earlier dissipating in the warmth of the cozy kitchen.

When dinner came to an end, Evangeline cleared the table while Klein retreated to his laptop, engrossed in his work. The clinking of dishes filled the kitchen as Evangeline diligently washed them.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over her, her stomach churning uncomfortably. Evangeline's hands trembled as she placed the last dish in the rack, her breathing growing shallow. Without a word, she excused herself from the kitchen and hurried towards the bathroom, her steps quickening with each passing second.

Once inside, Evangeline locked the door behind her, the sound echoing in the small space. She leaned over the sink, her stomach heaving as she retched violently. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to catch her breath, the sensation overwhelming her senses.

Klein, noticing her abrupt rush, approached the bathroom door with concern etched on his features. He knocked gently, his voice laced with worry. "Evangeline, are you alright?"

But Evangeline could barely register his words amidst the pain within her. She clung to the edge of the sink, her body racked with spasms as she continued to vomit, the sound reverberating through the bathroom.

Minutes passed before the waves of nausea finally subsided, leaving Evangeline drained and trembling. She splashed cold water on her face, trying to steady her breathing as she leaned against the bathroom counter, her mind reeling with confusion and fear.

Klein's concern only grew as he listened outside the door to the sounds of her distress. He hesitated for a moment before speaking again, his voice gentle yet determined. "Evangeline, please let me in. I want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine," Evangeline managed to utter as she unlocked the door. She didn't even glance at him, instead making her way to the couch and curling up, clutching a pillow to her face.

Klein observed her from a distance and felt a pang of concern wash over him. He couldn't just stand there; he had to do something. So, with a determined stride, he walked over and sat beside her on the couch.

"Are you in pain?" he asked gently, reaching out to remove the pillow from her face. To his surprise, tears stained her cheeks.

"Leave me alone," Evangeline whimpered, her voice betraying her emotions as tears continued to flow.

But Klein ignored her request and sighed softly as he placed a comforting hand on her belly, gently rubbing it in a soothing motion. Slowly, he felt the tension in her body begin to ease, her breathing steadying as she relaxed against the couch.

Evangeline closed her eyes and allowed herself to find rest in his presence. Despite everything, she couldn't deny the comfort she felt in his touch that she unknowingly smiled before she closed her eyes.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now