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Zach remained outside the Sinclair's residence. His impatience was growing with each passing moment. Jeremy had left hours ago, leaving Zach to stew in his own frustration. He paced back and forth, his mind consumed by thoughts of Evangeline and the countless ways he could reach her.

As Zach was lost in his thoughts, he was jolted back to reality by the insistent ringing of his phone. He fished it out of his pocket to find Monica's name flashing on the screen, her persistent calls having gone unanswered until now.

"Monica, not now," Zach muttered tersely into the phone, his tone a little annoyed.

Monica's voice on the other end was laced with annoyance and anger. "Don't 'not now' me, Zach. Where are you? I've been trying to reach you all morning."

Zach hesitated, knowing that revealing his whereabouts would only further exacerbate the tension between them. "I'm... I'm just out, Monica. Running some errands."

Monica's tone turned icy. "Don't lie to me, Zach. Someone saw your car parked outside Evangeline's place. What the hell are you doing there?"

Zach's heart sank at Monica's accusatory tone, knowing that his attempts to reconcile with Evangeline would only serve to deepen the rift between them. "Monica, please try to understand. I need to sort things out with Evangeline. She's my wife!"

Monica's response was swift and unforgiving. "You're choosing her over me, Zach? You're divorced! I saw the letter! Wake up, Zachary! After everything we've been through? Don't bother coming back to me if you're going to chase after your ex-wife."

Zach felt a knot tighten in his stomach as he tried to reason with Monica. "I love her, Monica! I need to make things right with her!"

Monica's anger flared, her voice rising with each word. "If you stay there, Zach, don't expect to see your child. I won't let you near us if you're going to prioritize her over us, your own family."

Zach's heart clenched at Monica's ultimatum, torn between his desire to mend things with Evangeline and his responsibilities as a father. He knew that whatever decision he made would have far-reaching consequences, and he couldn't help but fear the loss of the family he had always dreamed of.

Zach sighed, unable to fight against that threat.

"Alright. Fine," he uttered in surrender, ending the call before slipping the phone back into his pocket.

He walked towards his car, casting a last glance at the mansion before opening the door. But before he could enter, a blaring siren cut through the air, heading towards his current location.

Within minutes, an ambulance appeared at the far corner of the street, its approach alarming him. He closed his car's door and remained outside, watching with intrigue as the vehicle parked outside the estate.

"What the hell?" he mumbled nervously, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene.

He flinched in surprise when the gate opened for the medics to enter, heightening his alarm. Moments later, a few women who appeared to be housekeepers rushed out of the mansion in a state of panic.

"Open the gates wide! They're coming!" one of them shouted, prompting the guards to comply.

What shocked Zach the most was when the medics emerged from the mansion's entrance, carrying Evangeline on a stretcher, unconscious.

"Oh my God... Evangeline!"

He rushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached the stretcher where Evangeline lay motionless. Panic and fear gripped him as he struggled to comprehend what had happened to her.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Zach demanded, his voice trembling with worry as he looked to the medics for answers.

One of the medics turned to him, her expression grave. "We're not sure yet. She was found unconscious in the bathroom. We need to get her to the hospital immediately," she explained, her tone urgent.

Zach's mind raced with questions and concerns as he watched them load Evangeline into the ambulance. The sight of her pale face, devoid of its usual vitality, sent a wave of anguish through him.

As the ambulance sped off towards the hospital, Zach followed closely behind in his car, his thoughts consumed by worry for Evangeline's well-being. Whatever had caused her collapse, he vowed to himself that he would be there for her, no matter what.

Zach immediately rushed inside as soon as they arrived at the hospital, his heart heavy with concern for Evangeline. He approached the reception desk, his voice urgent as he sought information about her condition.

"I need to know about Evangeline Sinclair. She was brought in just now," he said, his words rushed and anxious.

The receptionist nodded sympathetically, typing furiously on her computer before looking up at him with a somber expression. "I'm sorry, sir, I don't have any information at the moment. The doctors are still assessing her condition." she replied softly.

Zach clenched his fists in frustration, his mind swirling with worry and fear. He paced the waiting area, unable to sit still as he waited for news of Evangeline.

An hour later, Jeremy stormed into the hospital, his footsteps quickening as he caught sight of Zach in the waiting area. His steps faltered for a moment as he struggled to contain his emotions, his fists clenched at his sides as he approached the reception desk. His gaze bore into Zach's back, a silent accusation hanging in the air as he blamed him for whatever harm had befallen Evangeline.

Ignoring Zach for the moment, Jeremy leaned forward, his voice edged with urgency as he addressed the receptionist. "I need to know if Evangeline Sinclair is here. Is she okay?"

The receptionist who was accustomed to dealing with anxious visitors, quickly checked the system before turning back to Jeremy with a sympathetic expression. "Yes, she's currently in the emergency room. I'll notify the staff that you're here."

Relief flooded Jeremy's chest as he nodded in gratitude. "Thank you," he murmured, his thoughts consumed by the well-being of his sister.

The two men sat anxiously in the waiting area, their concern for Evangeline's well-being overshadowed by the tension between them.

"Why are you even here?" Jeremy's voice was tight with anger, barely above a whisper.

Zach let out a sigh, meeting Jeremy's glare. "I was there when they brought her in. What did you want me to do, just walk away?" His response held a hint of defiance.

Jeremy's frustration was evident in his tone. "You're divorced, Zach! You have a restraining order against you! Are you dense?" His words were tinged with disbelief.

Zach's composure wavered slightly, but he remained steadfast. "Do you think a piece of paper will stop me from caring about her? You know I love your sister. I love her with all my heart," he asserted.

Jeremy's reply dripped with sarcasm. "Yeah, you love her so much that you fathered a child with her best friend! Real considerate move, you idiot."

Their exchange was abruptly halted by the emergence of a doctor from the ER. "Are there any friends or relatives here for Evangeline Sinclair?"

"Brother!" Jeremy's voice rang out.

"Husband!" Zach's response followed, both men eager for any news about Evangeline's condition.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now