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Evangeline had already indulged in a few drinks, and with each sip, her desire to dance grew stronger. With enough liquid courage coursing through her veins, she rose from her seat and gracefully made her way to the dance floor.

Dancing was more than just a pastime for Evangeline; it was a passion. As she moved to the rhythm of the music, her body seemed to effortlessly glide across the floor, drawing the attention of onlookers with every graceful sway and twist. Among her many talents, dancing was undoubtedly her forte.

The DJ who recognized Evangeline's presence, skillfully transitioned the music to match her energy and style. The new beat and rhythm enveloped the dance floor, casting a spell that captivated everyone within its reach. Men and women alike found themselves moving in sync with the music, their bodies swaying and gyrating as if under a hypnotic trance.

But amidst the crowd of mesmerized dancers, Evangeline stood out. Unlike the others who danced with abandon, she moved with purpose and precision, each step and sway a testament to her mastery of the art.

As the music pulsed through the air, Evangeline's body responded instinctively, moving with a fluidity that was both sensual and captivating. Her hips swayed in perfect harmony with the beat, tracing sinuous patterns in the air as she glided across the dance floor. With each step, she exuded an aura of confidence and allure, her movements imbued with a sultry grace that left onlookers spellbound.

Her long, toned legs moved with purpose, accentuating every twist and turn as she effortlessly commanded the space around her. The subtle arch of her back added an enticing curve to her silhouette, drawing attention to the subtle contours of her body. Her arms moved with a languid grace, trailing delicately through the air as if tracing invisible patterns, while her fingertips brushed tantalizingly against her skin, sending shivers of anticipation down the spines of those who watched.

But it was her eyes that held the most allure, glinting with a mischievous spark as she locked gazes with her audience. In their depths burned a fire that hinted at untold desires, drawing the viewer deeper into her spell with every fleeting glance. As the music swelled around her, Evangeline danced on, a vision of sensuality and beauty.

As Jeremy observed his sister's seductive moves on the dance floor, a sinking feeling settled in his stomach. He knew where this was heading—the same chaotic scenario he'd witnessed too many times before. With a resigned sigh, he muttered to himself, "Not again."

Jeremy made a beeline for Evangeline as he pushed through the crowd, his eyes never leaving her swaying form. But just as he reached out to pull her away from the pulsating beat, she vanished into the sea of bodies.

His heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the crowded club. His eyes darting from one corner to another in a frantic search for his sister. Panic clawed at his mind while he was drowning out of the music and the chatter around him and desperately tried to catch a glimpse of Evangeline's familiar figure.

But she was nowhere to be found.

With a sinking feeling in his gut, Jeremy pushed his way through the throngs of people, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. What if someone had taken advantage of her? What if she was in danger?

He burst out of the club into the cool night air, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he scanned the streets for any sign of his sister. "Eva!" he called out, his voice hoarse with worry. "Where are you?"

But there was no response, only the distant hum of traffic and the faint echo of music from the club behind him.

All Jeremy could do was mutter curses under his breath as he searched frantically for his sister.

Meanwhile, Evangeline was being dragged farther away from the club, her head spun with dizziness, and the running only made her feel more nauseous. Eventually, they came to a stop in a dark, secluded alley.

Evangeline now in her drunken state, stumbled in front of the man, who was familiar with how amusing she could be when intoxicated.

He turned her to face him, his deep and familiar voice cutting through the haze of her mind. "What are you doing in there, dancing in front of those men? They're obviously feasting on you," he remarked, his concern evident in his tone. Despite her blurred vision and fuzzy thoughts, Evangeline managed to summon a smile at the sound of his voice.

She hiccupped and threw herself at him, "Hiiii! Are you my hubby?" Evangeline asked, burying her face in his chest while giggling like a child.

The man wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her. "What do you think?" he asked, pinching her cheek.

Evangeline grinned playfully and placed her palms on both his cheeks. "Zaaaach! It is you! You came to take me home?" she asked sweetly, hiccupping between words.

"Hi baby... I knew you'd be here," Zach answered and kissed her softly.

Zach knew deep in his heart how much he'd missed her. This childish, playful side of her... Everything about her... He just missed his wife.

As if Evangeline had forgotten about everything that had just happened, she clung to him the way she used to. If her mind had been sober enough, she would've avoided Zach like he was a disease. But not this time.

She responded to his kiss, drowning in the memory of her heart, of how much she used to love him.

Her drunken mind couldn't recall her husband's unfaithfulness, his abuse, and everything she now despised about him.

When they finally parted from the kiss, Evangeline, barely awake, leaned heavily against Zach's shoulder as he effortlessly carried her, her weight feeling as light as a feather.

"Can I have your card? I have to go grocery shopping," Evangeline slurred, her words muddled by the haze of alcohol, her thoughts still stuck in the routine of her everyday life as a housewife.

Zach chuckled, feeling a mix of amusement and tenderness at her intoxicated state. As she reached for his wallet in his back pocket, he paused, momentarily nervous that perhaps Evangeline was sobering up. However, her next words dashed that fear.

"Awww, look at this! You have a copy of our wedding photo in your wallet!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Zach smiled warmly, touched by her sentimentality. "Of course, it's our best photo," he replied softly, kissing her forehead before gently setting her down.

"Get inside," he gently instructed as he opened the car door for her. Obediently, Evangeline complied, settling into the seat beside him as his driver started the car.

"Tired?" Zach inquired, concern lacing his tone as he glanced at her.

Evangeline nodded, her gaze fixed on their wedding photo. As she absentmindedly rummaged through Zach's wallet, another photo slipped out, catching her attention.

"A sonogram?" she murmured.

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