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Months passed by, slipping through Klein's desperate grasp like sand through an hourglass. The day he finally tracked down Jeremy's hideout, it was already too late. A grim tableau greeted him. Jeremy's lifeless body sprawled across the floor and crimson blood stained the walls. But Evangeline was nowhere to be found.

Did she manage to escape? Was she safe? Questions swirled in Klein's mind, tormenting him with uncertainty. But amidst the chaos, one undeniable truth remained - he missed her, missed her presence, missed the warmth of her smile.

As news of Jeremy Sinclair's dead and Evangeline's disappearance spread like wildfire, chaos descended upon their company. Reporters clamored for answers, and the revelation that Evangeline, the sole owner of SNCLR, was missing, dominated the headlines.

Monica who was reeling from the shock of Jeremy's death, faced her own personal crisis. The truth that was long buried beneath layers of deceit, threatened to consume her. In a moment of raw vulnerability, she confessed to Zach, revealing the painful secret that the child she finally gave birth to a few months ago belonged not to him, but to Jeremy.

For Zach, the revelation shattered his illusions, jolting him awake from his complacency. Learning that the child he'd cherished as his own was not biologically his, stirred him into action. And so he decided to find Evangeline himself. And if he ever did find her, he will do anything for her to forgive him.

Despite time passing, Klein never gave up on finding Evangeline. He held onto the hope of seeing her again one day.

Meanwhile, Evangeline who was still recovering with what happened to her months ago, rushed to the hospital's emergency room. She was now in labor and experiencing the pain of giving birth.

As Evangeline entered her second trimester, she received surprising news that she was expecting triplets, two boys and a girl. However, with her company facing the threat of bankruptcy because of her absence, she began to worry about how she would be able to raise all three children on her own.

And so, Evangeline made the difficult decision to maybe give one of the boys to their father, Klein. She hoped that by doing so, at least one of them would have the opportunity to have a good life.

While Evangeline lay in the hospital bed, her body wracked with pain from the intense contractions. She knew this moment would define the rest of her life. With no partner by her side, she faced the daunting task of giving birth to triplets alone.

The medical team rushed around her, their urgent movements a blur as they prepared for the arrival of not one, but three babies. Evangeline clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, trying to focus through the waves of agony crashing over her.

With each excruciating push, she felt her strength waning, but the thought of her babies kept her going. She couldn't fail them now. As she cried out in pain, the first baby, a boy, came into the world, his cries filled the room.

But there was no time to rest. The second baby followed swiftly, another boy, adding to the chaos and joy of the moment. Evangeline's heart swelled with love and exhaustion as she held her precious sons in her arms with tears streaming down her cheeks.

And then, just when she thought she couldn't bear any more, the final baby made her entrance, a beautiful baby girl completing their little family.

As the nurses whisked the babies away to bathe and swaddle them, Evangeline felt a wave of relief wash over her. The intensity of the moment began to ebb, replaced by a sense of gratitude and awe at the new life she had brought into the world.

Finally, the nurses returned to Evangeline's side, gently cleaning her up and tending to her needs. Despite the exhaustion coursing through her body, she felt a deep sense of contentment as she watched her babies being lovingly cared for.

The soothing touch of the warm washcloth against her skin eased the lingering discomfort of childbirth, and Evangeline closed her eyes, allowing herself to bask in the tranquility of the moment.

As the nurses finished attending to her, Evangeline took a moment to marvel at the incredible journey she had just experienced. She may have faced it alone, but she knew she was stronger for it.

Evangeline's heart ached with the weight of her decision as she gazed at her newborns. Each one was a precious bundle of potential and hope. Despite the overwhelming love she felt for them, she knew that she alone couldn't provide them with the life they deserved.

So with a heavy sigh, she whispered a silent prayer, her lips trembling with emotion. "I love you all," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I promise to do what's best for you, even if it breaks my heart."

Evangeline closed her eyes and allowed herself to succumb to the exhaustion that engulfed her. She knew that one day, she would have to make the hardest decision of her life.

Evangeline stirred from her restless sleep. Her eyelids were heavy with exhaustion as she was roused by the plaintive cries of her newborn. Despite the lingering fatigue that clung to her bones, she forced herself to sit up as her maternal instincts kicked in.

She gently lifted the bundle from the crib and cradled her firstborn son in her arms, while his tiny form nestled against her chest. As she drew him close, she felt a surge of overwhelming love wash over her, filling her with a sense of purpose.

With trembling hands, Evangeline guided her son to her breast, offering him the nourishment he sought. She watched in awe as he latched on while his tiny mouth moved rhythmically as he drank deeply. His cries slowly subsided into contented sighs.

For a fleeting moment, the world fell away, leaving only the bond between her and her precious baby boy.

As Evangeline cradled her baby boy, feeding him with tender care, she whispered softly to him, her voice barely above a hush, "You're gonna be strong like daddy, Xander. Big and strong, just like him." She brushed her fingers lightly over his tiny fingers, marveling at the thought of him growing into a fine young man, much like his father.

She looked over her second baby boy, shifting her attention, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "And you, Mikael," she murmured, her voice laced with adoration, "oh, you'll be a little warrior, just like Daddy. No challenge too big for you, buddy!" She gently stroked his cheek.

Finally, as she gazed at her precious baby girl, a soft smile graced her lips. "And little Maxine," she cooed, her heart swelling with love, "you're gonna have Daddy wrapped around your tiny finger, unlike me." Evangeline laughed softly and tenderly brushed her thumb on Maxine's forehead.

But as Evangeline was tenderly whispering each name to her babies, her voice trembled with emotion, and tears welled up in her eyes. She struggled to contain her overwhelming feelings of love, sorrow, and hope as she bestowed upon them the names that would bind them to their father's legacy. Each syllable uttered was accompanied by a silent prayer, a wish for her children to inherit the strength, resilience, and compassion of their father.

Through her tears, she gazed down at her newborn sons and daughter. Their tiny forms were now settled in the crib, and Evangeline felt a surge of bittersweet joy wash over her.

Evangeline hoped with all her heart that her newborns, born out of love, would be spared from the hardships she had endured.

"Mikael," she whispered, her voice soft as a breeze, "promise me you'll watch over your little sister. Your big brother Xander won't be there as you both grow older." Her words were heavy with emotion as she addressed her sleeping son, Mikael, who was blissfully unaware, sucking contentedly on his thumb.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now