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The next morning, without Klein's knowledge, Evangeline gathered her resolve and headed to her company with Maxine and Kael in tow. The familiar streets felt different with her new responsibilities now as a mother and a CEO.

As Evangeline entered the building, she could feel the curious stares and hushed whispers following her every step. Maxine and Kael were snugly nestled in their strollers, oblivious to the attention they were drawing.

The elevator ride up to her office felt longer than usual, with everyone's gaze bearing down on her. When the doors finally opened, Evangeline stepped out feeling a little tenses in along time.

She walked through the corridors while heads turned and whispers grew louder. Some of her employees greeted her with surprise and disbelief, while others simply stared, unsure of how to react.

As she reached her office, Evangeline's secretary greeted her with widened eyes and a dropped jaw. "Ms. Sinclair, I... I didn't expect to see you back so soon, and with... with..." she trailed off, gesturing towards the strollers.

Evangeline offered a small smile, trying to ease the tension. "It's good to be back, Janet. And yes, I have some new additions to the team," she replied, motioning to Maxine and Kael.

Janet's eyes widened even further in realization. "Twins?" she exclaimed, her astonishment evident.

Evangeline nodded. "Actually... Ah,nevermind. It's been quite an eventful few months," she said with a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

As Evangeline entered her office with Maxine and Kael, she couldn't ignore the curious glances and hushed whispers that followed her every move. But she refused to let it distract her, instead, she focused on the tasks at hand.

Evangeline felt determined and immediately dove into her work, addressing financial reports and attending to various matters that demanded her attention. Hour after hour passed, marked only by the occasional cries of her babies, which she quickly soothed with the comfort of her embrace and of breastfeeding.

To others, it might have seemed like she was overworking herself, but for Evangeline, the demands of her job provided a welcome distraction from the thoughts swirling in her mind.

As Evangeline deftly balanced writing with one hand and cradled Kael in the other, she nursed him comfortably, her maternal instincts guiding her movements. But her focus was abruptly interrupted by a commotion outside her office door.

"Sir! Please! You can't get in there!" Janet's voice pleaded urgently, but before she could finish, the door burst open, revealing Zach with a disheveled appearance. His eyes were widening in disbelief as they fell upon Evangeline and the baby in her arms.

"Evangeline... It really is you," Zach muttered, his voice filled with astonishment as he took in the unexpected sight before him. His gaze flickered between Evangeline and the baby, a pang of longing evident in his expression.

"You... gave birth," he uttered, the words tinged both of pain and regret as he struggled to come to terms with the reality before him. Deep down, he wished the baby in Evangeline's arms were his, but he knew they weren't.


"How... have you been?" Zach asked softly, his tone filled with genuine concern as he looked at Evangeline.

Evangeline met his gaze. Her eyes reflected of different emotions. She hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice equally gentle. "I've been... managing," she replied, choosing her words carefully.

Zach nodded, his expression earnest as he took her hand. "I've missed you, Evangeline. More than I can put into words," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I know I've made mistakes, but I've done a lot of soul-searching since we last saw each other. And I realize now how much I took you for granted."

Evangeline listened quietly, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared history. Despite the pain he had caused her, she couldn't deny the sincerity in Zach's words.

"I want to make things right, Evangeline. I want to be the husband you deserve, the father our children deserve. Well... I know they're not mine but... if you let me... If you give me another chance... Please, accept me. To be your partner... Once again." Zach's words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity and a hint of desperation.

Evangeline's eyes softened as she absorbed his plea. She wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between the desire to forgive and the fear of being hurt again. She knew she didn't have the right to judge Zach for his past mistakes, especially when she, too, had her own regrets.

But despite the sincerity in Zach's voice, Evangeline wasn't ready to dive back into a relationship. The wounds were still raw, the scars too fresh. She needed time to heal, to rebuild her trust in him, and in herself.

"I appreciate your honesty, Zach. And I believe you're sincere in wanting to make amends," Evangeline began, her voice soft yet firm. "But I need time. I'm still trying to fix myself and this is the best way I could."

Zach nodded understandingly, his expression reflecting both disappointment but in support. "I understand, Evangeline. I'll give you all the time you need," he assured her, his gaze unwavering as he held her hands.

Evangeline had no room in her heart for anger or hatred. All she desired was a moment of peace, a respite from the hurt that had consumed her for so long. And if extending forgiveness to those who had caused her pain could grant her even a sliver of peace, then she was willing to offer it.

And so with a gentle squeeze of his hand, she offered Zach a small, understanding smile. "I forgive you, Zach..."

Zach's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart pounding out of shock and awe. He had braced himself for anger, for rejection, yet here she was, offering him forgiveness in its purest form.

"Evangeline..." Zach whispered, his voice choked out of his mouth as he struggled to find the right words to express his gratitude. He reached out to gently cup her face, his touch tentative yet filled with warmth. "Thank you," he managed to say and held her hand again.

Evangeline smiled softly, "We've both made mistakes, Zach. Holding onto anger and hate won't change the past. All we can do now is move forward, together or apart."

Her words resonated with Zach. It stirred a sense of hope within him that had long lay dormant. He nodded while his eyes locked with hers in silent understanding. "I'll always be here, Evangeline. Whenever you're ready," he vowed.

The two remained seated in the quiet cafeteria while enveloped in a moment of reconciliation, when a voice echoed through the halls, catching both of their attention.


𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now