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"Evangeline!" Klein's voice shot out, filled with urgency, as he abruptly stood up.

"I, um... think you and your partner should discuss this further. Let's proceed with your ultrasound for now, alright?" Dr. Richards suggested, attempting to diffuse the tension, but Evangeline remained resolute.

"He's not my husband, and I have the right to make decisions about my own body. I want to terminate this pregnancy," she bitterly choked out, prompting Klein to grab her arm firmly.

"Excuse me, Doctor," Klein interjected, his tone firm.

"Is everything alright here?" Dr. Richards asked, concerned and alarmed.

"Everything is alright. I'll have a word with my wife," Klein sternly spoke as he guided Evangeline out of the establishment, his grip firm but gentle.

"What are you doing?" Klein whispered, his voice low to avoid drawing attention.

Evangeline sighed, meeting his gaze. "Look, Mr. Klein. I know this is just a burden to you. You don't even know if this child is yours. I don't want this either."

"What? Evangeline, please don't. Just don't, okay? Look, um... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything I said that might've hurt you. Just... just don't terminate the pregnancy. Please," Klein pleaded, his usual stoicism giving way to vulnerability.

For the first time, Evangeline saw a different side of him. The typically stern Maximilian Klein was almost on his knees, begging for her to keep the baby.

But Evangeline wanted something more from him. Stubbornly crossing her arms, she averted her gaze.

"Evangeline... Please, I'm begging you," Klein implored, his grip tightening on her arms.

"What do you want? Just tell me anything," he conditioned, his desperation palpable.

With those words, Evangeline couldn't help but smile. "If that's the case, treat me nicely. Also, I still want to work at my company. Don't confine me to the house every day," she stated her terms.

Klein looked at her, momentarily confused. 'Is that all?' he thought, expecting more demands from Evangeline.

After a moment of consideration, he let out a tired sigh. "Fine. Alright. But just so you know, whether you go back to work depends on what the doctor says. If he clears you to work, then you can. But if not, and you're bored at home, then you can come with me instead."

With a victorious smile, Evangeline clasped Klein's arm, catching him off guard. "Deal. Now let's go act like a real couple," she playfully declared, while Klein remained dumbfounded by the sudden shift in her mood.

But the moment they stepped back inside the establishment, Evangeline froze at the sight before her.

Zach and Monica stood by the reception area, seemingly also there for an appointment with the OB. Monica's belly had visibly grown, indicating she was already well into her pregnancy.

Evangeline's shoulders slumped, but Klein quickly caught them, holding her tightly yet gently as he guided her past Zach and Monica without missing a beat.

"Eva??" Monica's voice called out, making Evangeline flinch at the sound of her nickname.

"Bestieeeee!!" Monica exclaimed with excitement, her voice piercing through the tension in the air.

Zach turned to see Monica's attention drawn to someone beside Klein. "Evangeline..." he breathed, his heart oddly comforted by her presence. His gaze softened as he noticed Evangeline's still-flat belly, offering her a gentle smile.

"Hi, baby... How have you been?" Zach reached out to Evangeline, but his gesture was halted by Klein and Monica.

Monica discreetly slapped Zachary's shoulder and whispered, "What the hell, Zach? Don't make a scene here."

"Let's go, honey," Klein interjected suddenly, taking Evangeline by the waist.

Evangeline shot a questioning glance at Klein, but quickly caught on to his plan and played along.

"When are you due? Beastie?" Evangeline quipped, with a hint of sarcasm, causing Monica to clear her throat.

With her chin held high, Monica replied proudly, "Almost near."

"Oh, what a shame. The government's anti-parasite program must be falling short," Evangeline remarked, feigning disappointment.

Monica raised an eyebrow, her forced smile wavering. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, the government-funded program to eliminate pests from good homes. Seems like they still haven't got it right," Evangeline explained, her disappointment palpable.

Monica's slap stunned everyone, including Klein and Zach, while Zach immediately scolded her. Klein checked Evangeline's reaction, finding her composed outwardly, but inwardly resonating with her words.

"It's always the mistress with the audacity," Evangeline scoffed, her disdain evident.

Monica smirked, thinking she had won, until Evangeline's palm connected with her cheek unexpectedly.

Gasping at the sudden sting, Monica touched her cheek, eyes wide in shock as she glanced at Evangeline, who maintained an innocent smile.

"Bye, beastie!" Evangeline waved cheerfully, seizing Klein's hand, his expression reflecting pride and satisfaction as they headed back to Dr. Richardson's clinic.

As they walked away, Monica turned to Zach, her irritation evident. "Seriously, Zach? Taking her side over mine? After everything I've done for you?"

Zach's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with frustration. "You slapped her, Monica! What did you expect?"

Monica scoffed, crossing her arms defensively. "She deserved it! You're still defending her even though she's just playing victim!"

Zach's temper flared. He dragged Monica out this time as he continued to talk to her, his voice rising. "Playing victim? Well because she is one! She's hurt damn it! Isn't this enough for you? I do not love you but I love my wife."

Monica's face flushed with anger. "How dare you! You're the one who got me pregnant and now that Evangeline is pregnant with yours, you're acting as if I'm nothing anymore!"

Zach shook his head in disbelief. "I never acted like you were nothing, Monica! I hurt my wife because of this. Because... I chose you, over her." Zach defensively answered.

"Well, what about this baby inside me?" Monica gestured to her belly. "This is your child too, Zach!"

Zach's frustration reached its peak. "Don't you dare bring our child into this! You have no right to attack Evangeline, especially when she's pregnant with my child!"

Monica's eyes flashed with fury. "Your child? Is that all I am to you, a vessel for your precious heir?"

Zach's voice turned cold. "Let's just stop this then."

Monica flinched at Zach's threat to leave her, her expression turning desperate as she pleaded, "Alright, alright. I'll stop... Just... Don't leave me."

Zach sighed heavily, his frustration evident as he massaged his temples. "Then let's go back inside," he said wearily, his voice tinged with exhaustion from the ongoing argument.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now