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As Klein stepped into the cafeteria, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Evangeline and Zach sat close together. Their hands were intertwined in a moment of unexpected intimacy. His brows furrowed in confusion as he took in the scene, unsure of what he was witnessing.

"Evangeline," Klein's voice cut through the air, with a hint of disbelief. "What's going on here?"

Evangeline's heart sank as she saw Klein's reaction, realizing the misunderstanding that was unfolding before her. She quickly released Zach's hand and stood up, her mind racing for an explanation.

"It's not what it looks like, Klein," she began, her voice tinged with urgency. "Zach and I were just—"

But before she could finish her sentence, Klein's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"I can't believe this," he muttered, his voice laced with disappointment. "After everything he's done to you, you're back with him?"

Evangeline's heart shattered at Klein's words. She opened her mouth to explain, but the words caught in her throat as she struggled to find the right thing to say.

She hurriedly led Klein away from the cafeteria to a secluded spot where they could speak in privacy. Her mind raced with questions while her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"Klein, what are you doing here?" she asked. Her voice was tinged with concern as she noticed Xander cradled in his arms.

"Before anything else, here," Klein said softly and extending a bouquet of flowers towards her.

Evangeline's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected gesture. Her cheeks immediately flushed red while trying to keep herself calm. She accepted the flowers with trembling hands, her heart fluttering with uncertainty.

As she struggled to compose herself, Klein gently took her chin in his hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. Before she could react, he pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers in a tender kiss.

Caught off guard, Evangeline's breath caught in her throat as she melted into his embrace, her worries momentarily forgotten in the warmth of his affection. Time seemed to stand still as they shared a moment of intimacy, the world around them fading into the background as they lost themselves in each other's presence.

As Klein's lips mingled with hers, Evangeline couldn't help but notice a difference in his kisses. They were tender, yet filled with a newfound intensity that sent shivers down her spine. With their baby nestled between them, she felt a surge of warmth and affection coursing through her chest, engulfing her in a sense of blissful contentment.

In that moment, as they stood together, their hearts beating in unison and Evangeline realized that there was something undeniably special about this moment.

As they slowly pulled away, Evangeline found herself at a loss for words, her mouth still slightly agape as she gazed at Klein with confusion and contentment swirling in her eyes.

"What?" Klein chuckled softly, his gaze filled with affection as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his touch sending a shiver of warmth coursing through her.

Evangeline cleared her throat, feeling as though she had been abruptly pulled from a reverie.

"What... just happened?" she asked with disbelief as she took a step back, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that swept over her.

Klein gently took her hand, his touch reassuring as he cradled their baby in his other arm. "Evangeline... I love you," he confessed, his words hanging in the air with a weightiness that resonated deeply within her.

Her heart pounded in her chest at his declaration. Her breath catching in her throat as Klein continued, his voice filled with sincerity and longing. "I love you... And I'm sorry it took me so long to realize. I didn't want to marry you just because of these precious little ones. I want to marry you... without a doubt... because I love you. Please. Let's get married for real this time," he pleaded, his desperation palpable.

Evangeline was overwhelmed by the raw emotion in his words. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she realized the depth of his feelings for her. After so much uncertainty and longing, hearing him finally express his love was a moment she had dreamed of, yet never dared to hope for.

Tears filled Evangeline's eyes as she looked at Klein, her heart swelling with emotion. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she was just so relieved and happy.

"Klein..." she whispered, barely able to speak as she reached out to touch his face. "I... I love you too."

Her words were sincere and vulnerable, and she felt like she was finally being honest with herself and with him. She just wanted to be with him, no more doubts or fears.

Evangeline blinked back tears as she was overwhelmed by Klein's confession. "But Klein... why?" she asked, her voice trembling hoping that he was finally sure of how he felt.

Klein took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving hers. "I've been a fool, Evangeline," he admitted, his tone filled with regret. "I've been so focused on doing what I thought was right, what I thought I should do, that I didn't see what was right in front of me. I didn't see you... and how much you mean to me."

Evangeline reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Oh... Klein," she said softly. "I forgive you. But... are you sure? Are you sure you want this?"

Klein nodded, his eyes shining with sincerity. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Evangeline," he said earnestly. "I want to be with you, to build a life together, to be the family that our children deserve."

Evangeline felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. She had dreamt of this moment for so long, of Klein finally realizing what they could have together. And now that it was happening, she couldn't help but feel a surge of hope and happiness.

"Okay," she paused. "Let's do it. Let's get married."

Klein's face broke into a wide smile, and he pulled her into his chest, holding her tightly. "Thank you, Evangeline," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you for giving me another chance."

Klein looked at her with soft eyes, his love for her shining through. Without a second thought, he leaned in and kissed her gently, sealing their newfound understanding and commitment to each other.

Evangeline buried her face in his chest, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude. In that moment, she knew that everything was going to be okay. With Klein by her side, she felt like she could take on the world.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒: 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now