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As Evangeline groaned and turned in her sleep, the haunting memories of her childhood flooded her dreams like a relentless tide.

She found herself standing in the dimly lit hallway of their family home, her younger self clutching onto her siblings as they begged their father not to leave.

"Daddy, please don't go," her voice pleaded, thick with tears as she looked up at the man she once idolized. "We need you here with us."

But her father's face remained stoic, his eyes betraying the pain of his own inner turmoil as he tried to justify his actions.

"I'm sorry, kids," he muttered, his voice strained with emotion. "I have to do what's best for me."

Evangeline's heart shattered at his words, the betrayal cutting deeper than any knife could. Beside her, her brother, Jeremy sobbed uncontrollably, their cries blending with the sound of their mother's broken wails from the adjacent room.

"Mama, please don't cry," Evangeline whispered, her voice trembling as she approached her mother's bedside. But her mother's grief was a tidal wave, engulfing them all in a sea of despair.

"I can't do this alone, Evie," her mother choked out between sobs, reaching out to clutch her daughter's hand with a desperation born of desperation. "He promised he'd never leave us."

The weight of her mother's anguish bore down on Evangeline like a leaden cloak, suffocating her with its embrace. She felt the tears welling in her own eyes as she struggled to find the words to offer comfort, to ease the pain that threatened to consume them all.

But no words came—only the hollow ache of loss and abandonment, echoing through the empty halls of their fractured home.

As the nightmare continued to unfold, Evangeline's body tensed, her hands clenching the sheets as if trying to hold onto something—anything—to anchor her in reality. But the memories were relentless, refusing to release their grip on her fragile psyche.

And then, just as the darkness threatened to consume her, a flicker of light pierced through the shadows—a gentle touch on her shoulder, accompanied by a soft whisper of reassurance.

"Evangeline, wake up," the voice urged, pulling her back from the depths of her nightmares.

Slowly, Evangeline began to stir, her mind gradually emerging from the depths of the nightmare as she found herself back in the safety of her own bed.

As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of Klein sitting beside her, his expression filled with concern and empathy. Without a word, he reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch a soothing balm against the lingering ache of her memories.

She took deep breaths, trying to steady herself as she focused on Klein.

"What... What am I doing here?" she finally managed to utter.

Klein withdrew his hand and stood up, crossing his arms with his usual stern expression.

"You fainted. You're in my house," he said curtly, not bothering to meet her gaze.

Evangeline slowly sat up, feeling a dull ache in her head as memories of her encounter with Zach flooded back.

"Where's Jeremy?" she asked, looking around.

"He just left," Klein replied shortly, then grabbed some documents from the counter and handed them to her.

"What's this?" she asked, puzzled, as she glanced at the papers and then back at Klein.

"It's a contract. Your brother and I talked after he heard about Salazar's threats to shut down your company," Klein explained, leaning closer with folded palms.

Evangeline's eyes widened in shock as she scanned the papers.

"A prenuptial agreement?" she asked, turning to Klein.

"Yes. Jeremy and I discussed it. Since none of us wants to lose the company to Salazar's threats, we've decided to draw up this contract," Klein stated matter-of-factly.

"I don't want a big wedding ceremony, so let's just sign the marriage contract and be done with it. There are a few conditions, though," he continued, his tone firm.

Evangeline listened as he outlined the terms: their marriage would make SNCLR their joint property, any sons would inherit Klein's name and stake in the company, and if they had a daughter, the marriage would end and Evangeline would regain control of her company.

"And, of course, as a married couple, you can't deny me my needs. So once you sign those papers—" Klein began.

"Give me a pen," Evangeline interrupted, her voice firm. She surprised Klein with her immediate agreement.

As Klein handed her the pen, Evangeline stared at the documents, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over her.

'For a while, I thought Klein was different,' she thought to herself. "Am I really destined for more failed marriages?"

Evangeline felt a lump form in her throat, battling against the self-hatred that threatened to overwhelm her. She despised the idea of becoming like her mother, yet the desire for love and happiness gnawed at her.

Perhaps she had overestimated herself, believing she was special and different. Now, faced with the harsh reality of her situation, she felt a part of her spirit wither away.

As she reached for the pen to sign the papers, Klein stopped her hand.

"Also, you will have to quit working while you're pregnant," he added, his voice breaking through her thoughts. "The doctor says your pregnancy is sensitive, and you need plenty of rest."

Evangeline barely registered his words. It was a familiar script: her becoming a homemaker once again, with clear-cut roles awaiting her. A housekeeper by day, a wife by night.

Without a word, Evangeline signed the contract and handed the papers back to him. Glancing at the nearby clock, she carefully rose from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Klein asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Ignoring his question, Evangeline headed to the kitchen and grabbed an apron. With her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, she busied herself with preparing dinner.

Klein who was accustomed to living alone, watched as Evangeline expertly sliced ingredients. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry, noticing her quiet demeanor.

"Careful with the knife," he warned, his concern evident. As he approached her, he couldn't shake the feeling that something weighed heavily on her mind.

"What's on your mind?" he asked softly, studying her closely.

Evangeline remained silent, feigning ignorance to his presence as she focused on her task.

Klein took a deep breath and spoke her name almost in a growl, "Evangeline."

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