Exceptions (Go kyungjun)

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PLOT:even the bully have a soft spot. You may be in kyungjun's.

WARNING: mention of death and fear

Red lights flashing everywhere in the gym. People were screaming, crying, accusing each other of who murdered who while a robotic voice kept repeating the same words:

"Citizens must identify and vote for the Mafia"

"Citizens must identify and vote for the Mafia"

It was an unstoppable loop in which you found yourself paralysed...like always,like in any other situation. Fear to you meant stopping,it didn't matter if the solution was running;your body would stay still,your brain would break any connection of thoughts. Emptiness. Eyes as pieces of glasses reflecting the world around you.

You were sitting on the ground, surrounded by people running everywhere to get their phones back. They were supposed to be collected into the bean Kyunjun had brought there earlier, but someone had hit it and the objects had scattered all over the place. Your classmates were dying like butterflies shook by the electricity of a lamp as the robotic voice would reveal the identities of those who had passed.





What even was a mafia? What even was that game? Could you call that a game? It wasn't.

Your lips started shaking:you had to get up,find your phone and vote for someone, but you couldn't. A girl fell dead next to you,her empty eyes staring into your soul. Fuck,that was what you would've looked in a few minutes? Terrible.

"Move,do something" you repeated yourself. Your body was out of command. Your jaw started shaking and your eyes burning, but somehow tears didn't seem to be ready to roll down your cheeks.

A guy ran past you, unwillingly hitting your arm with his leg:your body shook, however you still didn't move.

That was your end, you were sure, there was no more hope in your heart until...a hand grabbed your shoulder.

"What the heck are you doing, idiot?!" Kyungjun mumbled, chaining his eyes with yours. You didn't answer.

"Where's your phone?" he asked. Still no answer.

"You're gonna die!". Again, no answer.

Kyungjun sighed in disbelief as he grabbed your wrist, trying to get you up from the ground. Your legs answered to the strength of his arms, but it wasn't enough to make you run like any other student in that gym.

"What's your phone?" the boy asked again


"What is it? Come on,you've got no time left!" he tried to encourage you. It took you a second, but then you finally whispered the model of your phone to him.

In a rush, the guy started looking around until he saw your phone in a forgotten corner. He grabbed it and came back to you.

"Vote for someone. It doesn't matter who, just vote" he told you, resting his hand on the back of your hips. You nodded unsure, voting for the first name on the screen.

A few more bodies fell, a girl got executed and then...silence. No more screams, no more rush, nothing. Your body slowly started functioning again, even tho the response to that wasn't good.

Your legs lost the strength to support you as you fell on the ground again, scratching your knees and the palm of your hands while trying to not get too much hurt.

"Damn" you whispered, tears were finally wetting your pretty face.

Kyugjun looked at you from above:he hated the feeling rising in his chest, that little burning sparkle that somehow made him melt at your sight; but he couldn't do anything about it. He was framed; he couldn't escape, he couldn't push back that protective instinct he had towards you, so he just kneeled down to your height, sliding some strands of your hair behind your hear.

"You need to control your fear or you're gonna die" he whispered. Those words weren't the right ones, he knew, but he wasn't great at helping people...he was supposed to put them into troubles. He was a destroyer, not a healer...but with you, damn, with you he couldn't even think about being the punk that he was.

He wiped your tears away with the back of his hand and gently hit your your shoulder

"Let's go where there are no bodies" he said,helping you standing up and leading you to the infirmary. You sat on a bed, watching as the boy began to open cupboards and drawers.

"Here it is" he said,placing a first aid kit next to you. He grabbed a disinfectant and a few plasters, medicating the scratches on your knees and hands.

Once he was done he brushed the dust away from your uniform and gently grabbed your leg to fix the socks which had fallen down. His fingers brushed against your skin, giving your shivers and an odd feeling of safety.

"You're okay now" he said, standing right in front of you

"Thank you" you mumbled, staring at the ground as you were so shy that you could barely hold eye contact with him

"Are you scared of me?" he asked, stepping back.

You rose your head, shaking it

"No, I'm just...confused. I didn't expect you to act like this" you whispered, holding onto the cloth of your skirt.

Kyungjun gulped, scratching the back of his neck:

"I do sometimes make exceptions-he smirked, caressing your cheek-do you wanna be that exception?" he then asked.

You felt your cheeks burning as you hid your face in between your hands; Kyungjun laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Your head rested on his chest while he ruffled your hair

"I'll take it as a yes, little thing"


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr, their username is randomlifex

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr, their username is randomlifex

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