Don't fall for me now (Go kyungjun)

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PLEASE NOTICE: thoughts are in italic

Y/n pov

I walked through the corridors making my way to my classmates. Junhee had told me to come down and meet the others.

I arrived down seeing I was the last one there. "Now that everyone is here I think we have a solution how to survive." Jun-Hee started and many heads were turn to his way.

"We know that if we vote someone dies, but if we don't it should guarantee nobody dying." What a stupid plan. We can't be 100% it would work.

"What do you mean. We can't be sure no one would vote! What is someone votes in secret!" A girl from our class said and I nodded along.

"We'll gather the phones so nobody could vote."
"What if the holder changes their mind and votes!"

Some people against Jun-Hees plan and others with him. "Shut up! For once the class president has a good idea." A voice stopped everyone.

Kyung-Jun walked with his minions following him. He walked in the middle with a yellow dumpster(?) "Be reasonable and listen when I'm being nice." He told and glanced at everyone his glaze stopping at me.

"We'll put our phones here so nobody can take them and put the bin in the middle." He said and started to walk around getting the phones with his minions telling everyone the be quick.

I was the last one and he looked straight at my eyes. "Put your phone here princess." So annoying.

I sighed and handed my phone.

The yellow bin was put in the middle with white clothing around it and nobody didn't have permission to cross over it.

I could sense everyone being tense and just waiting the clock tick. It was 11.50pm and the ten minute wait would be like hell. I sighed and decided to sit on the ground tired from all the standing.

I eyed everyone, people were quiet no one talking. It was a bit too quiet for my liking, but I didn't feel like saying anything when everyone was so tense.

11.55pm the five minute wait still there. It felt like eternal waiting for the clock strike 12. I played with my thumbs just waiving them around waiting for the time pass.

The five minutes had now passed even tho it felt like hours. Nobody moved. "We did it!" Someone yelled as the clock struck 12.01am. Now everyone was hugging each others and smiling.

I let out a breath of relief even tho I had a feeling this wasn't over yet. When people were celebrating the fucking purge sound started again. I knew it.

"Players must identify and vote out the Mafia!"

"Players must identify and vote out the Mafia!"

"Players must identify and vote out the Mafia!"

"Players must identify and vote out the Mafia!"

People tried to go for their phones but were stopped by the class president telling them it may not mean they would die.

It was before a body fell. And another one.

"For breaking the rules Lee Soo Bia and Park Ji Hoon have been eliminated."

"Lee Soo Bia and Park Ji Hoon were civilians."

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