How's being in a relationship with... (HEADCANON)

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Go kyungjun

• When he sees you he KNOWS he wants you
• And since he always gets what he wants be sure that, sooner or later, he'll get to your heart
• At the beginning he's just always around you and you wonder why
• He may tease you and go too far sometimes
• But he's just trying to understand how you work so he'll find the right way to court you
• He doesn't give a shit in giving hints cuz he knows that when you want something you gotta go for it
• He flirts A LOT and his flirting is EXPLICIT
• When he's sure you reciprocate his feelings he will go straight to the point and ask you to be his partner
• Dating a bully sounds controversial but for you he got only the princess treatment
• He barely says "I love you"
• But shows it through gifts and even acts of service
• Ties your shoes
• Never lets you drive once
• Dinner must be always on him
• Great kisser:his kisses are passionate
• His favourite spots must be your neck and collarbone
• He hates to see you sad so he always finds out what's the source and tries to make you feel better
• But if the source is a person he'll make them regret all their life decisions
• He's cold with everyone but you
• He considers you his whole world and will take care of you everyday


Kim junhee

• Probably he's already your best friend or your school tutor
• You fall first but he falls harder
• He understands he has feelings for you in the most random moment ever, probably the two of you are studying together
• At the beginning he hides everything, so you believe he sees you only as a friend, but don't worry, his attention is fully on you
• He buys you a necklace to confess his feelings when he's sure you love him
• Rarely says "I love you" but constantly shows it through his actions
• Daily random kisses on forehead and cheeks
• Cooks your breakfast
• Spends hours helping you studying to make sure you get good grades
• He's the best at comforting you when you need it
• He listens to you mumbling and crying
• And gives you the best hugs
• He takes you out for a date at least once a week
• It happens to fight but the two of you talk through it and make it up
• He's got a lot of girls around but he reminds them he's in a relationship
• That's why in class he always holds your hand and kisses you in front of everyone
• Shares his lunch with you
• Changes his lockscreen every time you take a new picture of yourself
• He treats you like a queen
• He knows that no one can replace you


Jang hyunho

• At the beginning he loves you from afar
• His eyes are always on you, that's why he pops up anytime you need help
• You don't immediately understand his feelings because he's extremely discreet, but you're naturally lead to him
• You become close and stay friends for a while
• He acts cocky and often goes "be careful or you'll fall for me".
The truth is that he's already whipped and can't wait for it to happen
• Once he's sure you love him, he brings you a rose and declares his feelings
• His love is soft and healing
• He cuddles you on the sofa
• Brings you daily flowers and small gifts to see you happy
• When you're stressed he notices it immediately and holds your hand
• His love language is quality time
• He takes you to your favourite restaurant every week
• He always has a jacket with him so when you're cold he hands it to you
• Always carries your bag
• He hugs you while sleeping
• And wakes you up with soft kisses
• Definition of golden retriever boyfriend
• You are his most prized possession
• No one makes you feel loved and seen as much as he does


Jin dabum

• Too shy to approach you but has a crush on you since first year
• You eventually become friends after you stood up for him against his bullies
• Now he has been following you around all day
• Music is the thing you two have in common and spend hours talking about it
• Share headphones and playlists as well
• His crush turns into love when you help him during a breakdown caused by Kyungjun
• But you fall for him later on
• You give him the strength to bite back at Kyungjun anytime he bothers him
• His love language is words of affirmation
• He tells you that you are the love of his life 24/7
• And that you are the prettiest person he has ever met
• He tells everyone how amazing you are and how lucky he is to have you
• When he listens to a song which makes him think about you he sends it to you
• The gallery of his phone is full of dumb pictures of you
• And he looks at them anytime he needs to feel better
• He's a loner but nothing makes him happier than spending his time with you
• He takes you anywhere you want to go
• He's a little bit jealous
• And sometimes he's afraid to lose you
• But you are his world and he will do anything to make you happy


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is randomlifex

jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is randomlifex

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