Sunshine and storm (Go kyungjun)

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PLOT: the sun shines and the storm doesn't understand why he likes it, but when his clouds will cover her rays, he'll do anything to make the sun shine again

WARNING: bad languages

PLEASE NOTICE: in this timeline Seun hasn't died yet so there's no game going on

The spring weather was approaching, the temperature rose and birds had finally begun to sing all day long.

"What a great day! -you exclaimed, hugging Seun, your friend- and in a few weeks cherry flowers will blossom!
Finally my favourite colour will be everywhere again!" you clapped

Seun smiled, putting her book on the desk, then she watched as you sat next to her:

"How can you be always in such a good mood?" she asked

"How can you not be when it's spring! It's the season of blooming. Birds sing all day and animals come out
from hibernation"

"You make me nauseous" Kyungjun popped out from nowhere,sitting with Seungbin right behind you. You rolled your eyes hopelessly:knowing how he was, you didn't expect him to appreciate the cute little things of life

"Man you gotta smile more, you're always so angry.
The situation is getting serious" you mumbled as the teacher came in

"You don't wanna see me angry, do you, Snow white?" he hit the back of your head with a pen, making you groan in pain, then he shifted into the "I don't care about the lesson" mood, texting...or at least that was what you thought.

The truth was that Kyungjun spent the whole class staring at you. He had been doing so a lot in the past weeks, shifting his eyes away only when you noticed it.

He didn't know why, but there was something leading him to you, even if he hated it, and acted like the meanest person on earth (not that he was nice, but he had never put you into troubles).

He wasn't used to it, nor to your constant happy mood; and since those feelings were unknown to him he would find any reason to come for you, even when you were doing nothing besides being a nice teammate.

That day your team had been pretty unlucky:the teacher had decided the members on her own, meaning that if you had to play with good athletes like Hyunho and Kyungjun himself, who was the captain,
you had to put up also with those, like Sungpyo and Yoonseo, who were terrible at PE.

She got called out lots of times by everyone, but to Kyungjun the real problem was Sungpyo; or better, he was the victim whose ass was supposed to be constantly beaten in order to scare everyone and get great results.

Hyunho tried many times to stop the bully, but he eventually got kicked out due to a so called "litigious behaviour"; so, in order to calm everyone down, you tried to spread positivity, like you always used to do.

"It's okay, next time we'll score something"

"It can happen, I made mistakes too"

"Don't think about it and let's have fun! It's about having a good time, not winning"

You were dispensing smiles and comfort as you saw that someone was actually on the edge of tears, but Kyungjun got even more mad:

"Ya! Yn! -he called you in the middle of the first break-what the fuck are you doing?!" he was yelling, his eyes burning like fire

"What...what do you mean?" You asked, a little bit scared

"What do I mean? Do you think that's how you make a shitty team work?!"

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